Monday, June 28, 2010

A Spy in the House

Review Time! I finished two books yesterday (whoop whoop) but I'm only going to review one today because I saved the other one for a rainy day review (hehe) Anyway, yesterday I finished A Spy in the House by Y.S.Lee. I'm positive this is a 2010 Debut Author book so YAYYYYY Two down in my challenge!!!!

(which Cover do you like better? I got the red one but I like the other one better.)

Anyway, I really liked this book!!!!! I love the 1800's setting. Not to mention all the mysteries solving and 'stuff'. The plot was pretty good however it kinda got mushy and confusing at the end. The characters were really interesting and absolutely loved Mary & James. the writing style was really easy to read and it was a nice change from all the heavy reading I've done lately. Great book, fantastic plot (minus the ending), interesting charcters and yer a good read! So make sure you pick it up if you're into the mystery, historical 'stuff'. Rating 3.75/5

Badass Bookie xx


  1. These covers are beautiful! Thanks for linking your review to the reading challenge. Also, I sent you an email about being a blogging buddy. I've wanted one for a long time.

  2. Hey Karin! I did send you an email back about the Book Blogging buddy!

  3. i loved it... i read it ages ago

  4. I LOVED this book, one of the best I've read this year for sure!
