The Short Story? - Took me by surprise you don't get alot of paranormal werewolf stories set in the future. I had bad feelings that I wasn't going to like it but surprisingly I did!
The Long Story? - I'm going to straight to the point about this one. The love story in this was seriously the cutest thing ever but the plot went a little weird. Some strong points about this book is it evoke lots of strong emotions. The characters were very well brought out, adding the futuristic touch was nice too. However, the heroine was a pussy, which I did not like because I hate weak characters ( defeats the whole purpose of being the main character). The father was also really cruel. seriously if I had a father like probably run away before I even turn thirteen but it all fit nicely together. The writing style was a tad simple too however I really enjoy the book in general.A love a great romance and it was really the cutest thing in this book. You guys should really check this one out! Rating 3.5/5
I've never heard of this one but it sounds interesting aside from the weak heroine. I love a cute romance story, thanks for the honest review!
ReplyDeleteSounds intriguing, but I agree about the weak heroine being a turnoff.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to let you know that I have passed a blog award on to you! You can see the details here: http://crzycatladyslibrary.blogspot.com/2010/09/september-awards-for-crazy-cat-ladys.html
Crazy Cat Lady
hello my name kacrut, an honor to participate comment here
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