Review Time! I stayed up til midnight to finish this one so if you don't read this review I will be very, very, very sad :P Anyway, I am finally working my way down my 2010 Debut Author TBR pile at a alright pace. Here's the thing with 2010 Debuts, you have to read them in 2010 or it's just not right and since august is nearly over I picked up my pace and started reading like mad!!! Now, I'm behind on my review books (arghhhhhhh)
Anyway, I LOVED this book! Here's the thing about me- I have to read a consecutive amount of good books after a awesome book or else I lose my reading faith for like three days (no joke) and I read Graceling (review coming up) then A Little Wanting song which was surprisingly good (Aussie!) and than Academy 7 ( review coming up!) then finally Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins and I have to say this just completes the stream of good books!
I found this book really easy to read (very easy).It was humorous, comfortable, teenage kinda writing. I find some books have very serious writing that is easy to read but makes reading it more like a job not a enjoyment (ie Twilight, enjoyed it but could have been better). This was just really quirky and witty and easy to read. That is the thing that stood out to me. I loved the plot, the start was great but the ending was rather abrupt, I would have liked to know what happened to Archer. The characters were really interesting, loved the cover and just a really great book. Probably, one of the better 2010 Debuts that I have read this year! Rating 4.5/5
I can't wait!! My copy is in the mail :) Should be here Monday :D
ReplyDeleteGreat review! I've got this to read and it looks really great!
ReplyDeleteThis book is sitting on my TBR pile. After reading your review it just moved up a few books. LOL Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteI picked up a copy of this today! I'm so excited to read it. Loved this review.
ReplyDeleteinteresting to note the information because its contents are very interesting
ReplyDeletecara mengatasi kelainan tulang lordosis,cara mudah dan sehat membakar lemak di perut,suplemen pembakar lemak tercepat,pengobatan tradisional kanker nasofaring,pengobatan tradisional paru-paru kering,pengobatan tradisional mata bintitan,pengobatan tradisional penyakit hepatoma,pengobatan tradisional kuku cantengan,obat pelebur batu ginjal tanpa operasi,cara menyembuhkan alergi seafood,obat adenomyosis tradisional,pengobatan tradisional penurun darah tinggi,bahaya kelebihan kalsium bagi kesehatan,cara menghilangkan melasma secara alami,cara mengatasi disfungsi seksual,bahaya penyakit asam urat tinggi bagi kesehatan,cara alami menyembuhkan dermatitis,bahaya penyakit wasir berdarah,pengobatan tradisional multiple myeloma,pengobatan tradisional penyakit gerd,cara mengobati penyakit bronkiektasis,cara meredakan nyeri haid (dimenore),cara alami menyembuhkan cacar api,cara mengobati dermatitis seboroik,cara mengobati penyakit mata konjungtivitis,cara mengobati pneumotraks,