
Thursday, November 25, 2010


Review Time! Now I would like everyone to know that I didn't really enjoy the first book in this series, Fallen by Lauren Kate. However when the cover looks this good who is to begrudge me for giving it a second chance? I also received this one for review from Random House Aus. so thank-you guys!

The Short Story? - One of those series' that only get better instead of the other way around. I absolutely loved this book, not even sugar coating guys! I pledge on the Debs honour ( 2011 Debs event - Click HERE ) that I will never EVER sugar coat my reviews so any review on Badass Bookie is organic ;P Anyway, I liked this book so much better than the first book.

The Long Story? - If there is anything I hate more than reading plots with unoriginal plots, it would be reading book with no plot at all. I admit, I pretty much hated Fallen for this reason. There just wasn't enough depth to the book, I ended up with more questions then I started off with.

However, I found that Torment was a turnaround, it completely blew my mind. It was a beautifully written dark romance ( gothic romance maybe?) that was just amazing. The combination of the supernatural and the very human emotions of the main character, Luce was just so easy to read. It was in this book that I finally came to understand the characters abit a better and the background of the story. I find that sometimes when authors try to blend the supernatural with the well - natural, the plot starts to go all wonky and it just doesn't read right. Torment wasn't one of those books ( maybe Fallen but not Torment).

Another highlight was the emotions the characters pulled out of you. I found that everytime Luce was angry at Dan, I was angry at Dan. Everytime she felt trapped, I felt trapped. It was like Luce and I were the same person. I felt a deep, deep connection with her like we were - mentally linked :P Unlike Matched where you could relate to the characters though similar emotions, Torment, let you BE the character.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed Torment and can't think why in the world I didn't want to read it. Although I didn't really like Fallen I think Torment made up for it! I simply can not wait for Passion especially after that cliff hanger ending ( seriously things one just ...ends, rather abrupt but nevertheless effective). Beautiful romance, great characters, easy to read, much better plot and did I mention Angels and Demons? Rating 4/5

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Great review, Lisa! I can't wait to read this book myself. I didn't like Fallen all that much, but from your review, I think that I'll like it very much. I love how you say that you felt "mentally linked" to the character. That's a wonderful line!

  2. I'm so glad there is someone else out there that didn't enjoy Fallen that much but loves Torment, every time i say this people look at me like i'm mad, but Fallen really didn't do anything for me, but like you, i was immersed in Torment and loved it. Can't wait for Passion next year :O

  3. I've got both books in my TBR mountain. I've read a lot of mixed reviews on Fallen so I can hardly wait to start reading them.
