
Monday, July 12, 2010

Iron King

Following the Faerie theme from my Read-a-Like post yesterday I have finally finished Iron King by Julie Kagawa which I started in May. I kept putting it off because I kept getting new books and starting them. So today I finally picked it up again and finished it. This is 2010 Debut Author novel so another one to go towards the challenge!

I found this novel was very enjoyable and definitely a great Debut. A good plot, fantastic characters that were well portrayed although I found I would have liked it better if the relationship between the characters were shown alot more. I found it was really clever of the author to bring in reference's to Shakespeare Midnight Summer's Dream and making Puck one of the main characters. However, I couldn't help comparing it to Glimmerglass which I'm currently reading. Although these two novels have nothing in common besides the fact that they are both about Faeries. I am finding myself liking Glimmerglass better. Julie's writing style took abit of getting used to but the writing style in Glimmerglass I found I could easily adapt to. Nevertheless, it was a fantastic novel (and debut!) that is worth reading. I'm pretty sure I'm the only who hasn't read it til now but if YOU haven't go check it out! Rating 3.5/5

Badass Bookie xx


  1. I definitely agree with "I found I would have liked it better if the relationship between the characters were shown alot more." My biggest problem with this book is that the romance wasn't developed enough.

  2. Hmm, that's interesting, now that I look back I do think there could've been more on the relationships. Maybe we'll get more of that in the next book.

  3. Great Review!!! I have heard so many good things about this one, just haven't gotten around to reading it yet! Already on my TBR!!
