
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Iron Fey Novella : Winter's Passage (FREE)

Hey Guys! Still following the Faerie theme started by my Read-a-Like list I have found that there is a novella to Iron King (which I reviewed yesterday) It is called Winter's Passage and can be downloaded for FREE from Julie Kagawa's website. However it's only up for free download until July 31st so head over HERE to get your very own copy. This is technically Book 1.5 in the series so it's to be read after Iron King but before Iron Daughter which is out August 2010. Now go get yourself a copy!

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Thanks for reminding me about this. I keep needing to check it out.

  2. I've been meaning to read a book by her. Thanks for reminding me to add this series to my TRR. I look forward to reading more posts by you.


  3. Awesome! My sister adores this series and so i'm going to get it to send to her. ^^
