Thursday, May 16, 2013

KINSLAYER by Jay Kristoff US & UK COVER REVEAL + Giveaway (Int'l)

Alrighty! Among the ten of you who actually read my blog (this including my family members), a few of you might remember that last year around this time, I was part of the Cover Reveal team for Jay Kristoff's YA Debut STORMDANCER. Apparently I did such a good job that this year's I've been invited back again to participate in the Cover Reveal for the sequel KINSLAYER.

So today, when THIS post goes live, 9 other blogs will also be revealing the cover for KINSLAYER ( that's one more blogger than last year, obviously some poor individual has past Kristoff's hazing ritual to join the wolf pack - I won't go into too much details but it involved Celine Dion and a sacrifice). Now some of you might have already seen the covers floating around on the blogosphere, this is because we suffered a serious breach of security  at the Macmillan Headquarters earlier this week where one of our agents went rogue and released these top sekret covers to corporations like Amazon. However please rest assured that we have an alpha team hunting down the leak and when ( not if) we find them, they will be punished severely (read - forced to listen to Nickelback and watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians).

Since, the majority of you probably won't even read anything I write in this post, HERE ARE THE COVERS:




These covers are absolutely stunning! The US cover definitely has more of a draw on me since I'm on the cover it's so freaking badass, I mean she's looks like she wants to rip my head off like a GUMMY BEAR. The UK cover is also gorgeous! More reserved, less frightening - for people who like books with lighter colours on covers. Although that ninja outfit is really unflattering, on behalf of the male population - I DEMAND LYCRA CATSUITS FOR THE NEXT COVER. 




The mad Shōgun Yoritomo has been assassinated by the Stormdancer Yukiko, and the threat of civil war looms over the Shima Imperium. The Lotus Guild conspires to renew the nation’s broken dynasty and crush the growing rebellion simultaneously - by endorsing a new Shōgun who desires nothing more than to see Yukiko dead.

Yukiko and the mighty thunder tiger Buruu have been cast in the role of heroes by the Kagé rebellion. But Yukiko herself is blinded by rage over her father’s death, and her ability to hear the thoughts of beasts is swelling beyond her power to control. 
Along with Buruu, Yukiko’s anchor is Kin, the rebel Guildsman who helped her escape from Yoritomo’s clutches. But Kin has his own secrets, and is haunted by visions of a future he’d rather die than see realized.

Kagé assassins lurk within the Shōgun’s palace, plotting to end the new dynasty before it begins. A waif from Kigen’s gutters begins a friendship that could undo the entire empire. A new enemy gathers its strength, readying to push the fracturing Shima imperium into a war it cannot hope to survive. And across raging oceans, amongst islands of black glass, Yukiko and Buruu will face foes no katana or talon can defeat.

The ghosts of a blood-stained past.


About the Author:

Abandoned as a child by his people, Jay Kristoff was sent to earth in his crib where he grew up as the baddest baby on the streets of Perth. Dangerous and ruthless, Jay didn't have many friends and spent his childhood pretending to be Tarzan, dancing to Wham! and fighting crime. Twenty years on, Jay has relocated to Melbourne where he spreads the word of Christ by day and writes YA novels through the perspective of a girl by night. An alcohol enthusiast, STOP SHAVING YOUR FACIAL HAIR activist and ambassador for the international Inner Beauty organisation, Jay lives with his beard, his UGG boots, his wife and his dawg. 
You can find Jay on Website | Twitter | Blog | Facebook | Goodreads

Purchase STORMDANCER from The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Fishpond | The Nile | Bookworld


There are TEN ARCS of KINSLAYER up for grabs! You can win ONE ARC from this blog and if you hop along to the other blogs part of this cover reveal, you can win ARCs of KINSLAYER from their blogs as well! 

On top of that, Jay is running a scavenger hunt where the winner will win a super awesome prize pack filed with exclusive goodies unknown to mankind. All you have to do is answer this question -

5. Name the rebel Guildsman who helped Yukiko and Buruu in STORMDANCER:


 head over to Jay's blog - HERE. Check out of the other blogs part of this cover reveal and answer all their questions as well! DO NOT RECORD YOU ANSWER IN THE COMMENTS. Please tattoo it on your heart and carry it with you as you leave this blog and move onto Jay's!

Fill out the Rafflecopter Form Below to Win KINSLAYER ARC:

OPEN Internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Badass Bookie xx


  1. I love the US cover most, but then I generally prefer the US cover art for most books!

  2. I like the US cover way more because the UK cover's model looks BADLY photoshopped. Other than that, I love the green in the US cover!!
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  3. Ooh, they look awesome! I definitely like the US cover better because it is more bad-ass and more striking, though when you look at them with their respective STORMDANCER covers I think they were both done well!

  4. Mi favorite is the US cover, is just gorgeous.

  5. I'm more partial to the UK cover, actually, since it would match my copy of Stormdancer. I dunno, I'm probably the only one in the world who thinks this, but the US cover is just a bit.. TOO dark for me? They are both super beautiful though.

  6. I like both covers, though the US fits the version of STORMDANCER I have. I am a sucker for "traditional" looking pictures, though.

  7. The US one looks GORGEOUS! Yukiko looks as badass as ever :D

  8. Love the US Cover most, I'm so happy the designs match their predecessors! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  9. I prefer the US cover no doubt! It's so cool!


  11. I like the US one way more than the UK one (a rare occurrence indeed). I'm not sure where to focus first with the UK one - the leaves stand out the most, and I seriously doubt the plot revolves around them. All the elements look very cut-and-pasted onto the background.
    I love the US one - her eyes are immediately arresting, plus there's awesome dragon vs griffin action in the background!

  12. I love them both!!!! They're each so striking in their own way.

  13. I love them both, but the US one gives a much bigger impact.

  14. Hands down, the US one is a million times better. So cool!

  15. I love the look of both of them, but the UK/AU cover matches my copy of Stormdancer so that's the one I'll be buying :D

  16. I love them both so much, but I like the US one a tad more.

  17. I love the US cover. I am a huge anime fan and this one screams at the anime nerd in way I could not love it. The UK cover is ok too but I'm just not feeling it as much!

  18. US cover totes dibs it! :D

  19. I absolutely love the US cover!

  20. Both covers are gorgeous, but I think the U.S. one is my favorite! It really adds a mystical, fantasy element to it.

  21. US cover is the KINSLAYER for me. It matches my STORMDANCER and will be badass on my bookshelf when I'm not rereading it. Thank you for the chance to get my grabby hands on this. I can't wait to read and review it.

  22. I absolutely LOVE the US Cover of KINSLAYER! I think it’s even better than STORMDANCER’s because of the colours and Buruu in the background coupled with the Dragon and the blood and how disheveled Yukiko looks it adds to the mystery of KINSLAYER and battle that is still to be won and consequences that could come with it.

    Thank you so much!

  23. That US cover . . . *drools* hehe. I may have not liked the first book but I just want to buy the book for the sake of that gorgeous cover! ;)

  24. I've been a fan of the book covers illustrated by Jason Chan so I'll have to say US cover all the way. I really love the design of Kinslayer. Yukiko look more fierce and realistic in this one. It's really pretty. Thanks.

  25. So freaking beautiful. US cover, no competition. Illustrated covers normally always do win out for me. That cover is so badass, just like you said. Want. Now!!!!

  26. I do love the intensity of the US cover, buuuut the UK one will match my Stormdancer so that's probably what I'll be getting :D

  27. These covers are so stunning! I remember last year loving the UK Stormdancer cover, but this year I'm loving the US cover, I don't care if my covers won't match I need the US cover! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  28. Awesome book cover! I like the US cover most, it's really eye catching. I can't wait!

    Ann@Blogging Profits

  29. I like all of the covers! Thanks for sharing! :)

  30. I like both covers!! Its a tough decision to decide which one i like best.they are both on an even balance scale!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  31. Definitely the US cover - darker and more intense!

  32. The US cover looks so freaking AMAZING!!! I would buy the book just to have that cover on my bookshelf! :D

  33. Those covers are so, so beautiful! I want!!!!

  34. I like the American cover better, but both look awesome

  35. The covers are very detailed and interesting, it manages to make the reader still have that feel as if they were the same book. I prefer the US version just because I'm more into illustration covers.

  36. No question, I love the US cover best! It goes really well with the STORMDANCER cover. Can't wait! Thanks so much for the giveaway:)

  37. I defo prefer the US covers. They are epic!! Thanks for the giveaway!

    ~ Yvonne

  38. So if you're on the US cover (see, I DID read it!), are the one in the background? (Pointedly not saying WHICH 'in the background' character I am referring to... (I kid, I kid))

    Usually I prefer the overseas cover, but I'm voting for the US this time.

  39. Oh, thank you for the perfect giveaway. <3 I love the US cover the most :D Just so epic. Love it. Love both, though :)

  40. No contest - the US covers are so much more gorgeous.

  41. The US cover, no doubt! I really don't like the UK one. Very pale, and the backgrounds are not mixed well together.

  42. The US cover is definitely better :) Thanks!

  43. I love the covers for both, but I am particularly fond of the US versions. I love the color schemes used for both Stormdancer (the red and black) and the new one for the sequel. The green/grey is new, and pretty amazing looking.

  44. The US Cover is so fiercely badass!!! I also have book 1 (unread still but about to get read)

  45. I like the US cover. It is as intense as the first book and seems to fit the mood better.

  46. my vote goes to US cover... :)

  47. I love the US cover! It kick the UK covers A**! Sorry UK!


  48. I prefer the US covers. They remind me of mangas.

  49. Loving the US cover. Jason Chan is an amazing illustrator and it's hard to resist buying books he illustrated. :)

  50. I like the best US cover the best! :>

  51. I like the UK Cover, there's a consistency of cover from the first book, and it is cooler than the US cover. :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  52. US cover all the way!!! I blogged about that. If you want to read it, here's the link:

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  53. Sneaking in for the love of Kristoff!

  54. I preferred the US Cover, but the UK Cover matches my Stormdancer cover, so I'd have to go with that, to keep the collection perfect.

  55. The US cover is gorgeous and I love the fact that it matches but is still more detailed then the first cover. The UK one is nice but it seems dull compared to the US covers.

  56. I actually love both covers. They're very unique in their own way. Thanks for a giveaway! :)

    Excellent review! I may not have been offered away by this follow up as opposed to first guide, but I still liked it regardless.

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