
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day Twelve: Anne Blankman (PRISONER OF NIGHT AND FOG)

Debutante Profile

Name - Anne Blankman
Debut – Prisoner of Night and Fog
Publisher - Balzer + Bray/ HarperCollins
Genre – Romantic Historical Thriller 

Website– HERE
Twitter - HERE

A native New Yorker, Anne Blankman now lives with her husband and young daughter in southeastern Virginia, where the hot summers haven't killed her yet. She has worked for several years as a youth services librarian. Prisoner of Night and Fog is her first novel. She loves hearing from readers, and you can contact her through her website.

Dream Debutante Dress - 

"I'm currently obsessed with 1930s fashion because Prisoner of Night and Fog and its forthcoming sequel take place during the early '30s. I love this dress's rich red color and its simplicity. Who wouldn't feel glamorous whirling around a nightclub in a dress like this?"

Notes from a YA Debutante

Ten Random Facts About Me:

1. I'm also a librarian, which means I've mastered the art of reading picture books sideways.

2. It also means that I'm in love with the Dewey Decimal System. Seriously. I can't help myself. All of the books in our house are shelved alphabetically by the author's last name. It's like a sickness. On the plus side, I can find any book I'm looking for in about two seconds.

3. I used to fence competitively. My weapons were foil and sabre. It wasn't until I got to my first competition that I discovered that almost all sabre fencers are REALLY BIG MEN.

4. I have Celiac Disease, so my body can't handle gluten. It's hard to find a restaurant that can feed me, but I can bake some delicious desserts with crazy-sounding ingredients.

5. I met my husband in our college dining hall.

6. When I was a kid in upstate New York, our next-door neighbors used to have their driveway and entire yard plowed whenever there was a big snowfall. The plow would mound all the snow into a long, enormous wall between our houses. It made an incredible snow fort for me and my brother.

7. I love 1980s music, even though I was too young to listen to it at the time. Put on the Bangles or the Go-Gos, and I'm happy.

8. When I got the call from my agent that Prisoner of Night and Fog had gone into an auction, I squealed with excitement when I hung up. My three-year-old daughter had no clue what was going on, but she could tell that it was good, and she jumped around the living room, cheering, "Party for Mommy!" Just thinking about it now makes me smile.

9. I rowed on my high school and college varsity crew teams. Every season I tried to switch between port and starboard sides so I wouldn't develop freakishly big muscles on only side of my body. I'm still not sure if it worked.

10. I'm so excited to be part of the 2014 Debutante Event! Thanks for having me, Lisa!


Bookie's Note: Anne, I always wanted to try fencing because it sounds like the coolest thing ever (it's so badass) but it's really uncommon in Australia and I'm such a klutz, fencing would be a death sentence for me! I'll stick to my team sports for now! What kind of rowing is this? I thought you used both sides of your body (both hands) to row??? Hearing love stories always makes me feel so gooey inside :') Guys, make sure to come back tomorrow for the second half of Anne's feature and her giveaway of PRISONER OF NIGHT AND FOG!

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Oh I loved this!! I really enjoy hearing about how people met their husbands/wives. Always so interesting!

  2. I love that you used to fence competitively! I have always been intrigued by fencing, also because in my country it's so rare that people fence (I don't know people who fence, but there must be some?). I wish I had fenced too, because it sounds really awesome.

  3. I've always wanted to try fencing, it looks like so much fun.

  4. That red dress is gorgeous! Fencing seems like a really interesting sport, I've never met anyone who fenced.

  5. So you have the coolest life ever. I love that you fence and row. Both, especially fencing, are things I would love to try. Dewey Decimal System is an absolutely wonderful creation. My shelves are in the process of being alphabetized. I change my system around every now and then, cause I am weird. A-b-c's were calling to me this time. Most important of all, kids are the best thing in the whole world. And lastly, I dig the dress. I would love to rock it sometime, but I think I would have to make it black instead of red

  6. Love the red dress. I sort my books like you do lol! My fiance thinks I'm a freak hehe :)

  7. Interesting random facts!!!! I would love to have a snow wall that big...I like some 1980s music-but mine were mainly Debby Gibson and Tiffany-a few others i cant think of at the moment..

  8. I didn't know fencing was so unusual in Australia! It's an awesome sport, but much harder than they make it look in the movies. And how much do I love that Kristia and Jaime sort their books, too!? Yay, I'm not the only one. :)
    Lisa, the kind of rowing I did was with one oar--you use both hands, but since you're always leaning in one direction and pulling harder with one arm than the other, your body can get overly developed on one side. Eek.
    I'm heading back into my revision cave to work on the sequel--thanks so much to everyone for the PRISONER love!

  9. I love the dress!

    And #8 just made me smile because of how cute it is. Also, I've always wanted to try fencing, but we don't have it at my school or in nearby areas, sadly.

  10. Fencing, that is so novelesque ;o) And I love the story about you and your daughter dancing around the news, so cute!
    Thanks for all the insights.

  11. I'm such a big fan of fashion from the 20s-30s. Love the orange-red color of that dress. 80's music is the best. Duran Duran for the win!

  12. Oh wow! Fencing! That fantastic!
    I am not celiac, but I am gluten intolerant, which means that I better avoid gluten if I don't want an unhappy tummy. It's always hard to find restaurants that serve gluten-free food, but little by little it's getting better!

  13. I'm from Virginia so it was interesting to learn that Anne is also from here.

  14. Wow!!! Yours is an awesome life with all those activities.
    Lol I love little kids especially when they celebrate for us even without knowing the reasons :)
    I love to know your crazy ingredients for deserts. :D

  15. 1 and 2 make me laugh out loud while 9 make me awee. Cute post

  16. You're not the only one that love 1980s music - Billie Jean, Every Breath You Take, Gimme All Your Lovin', Ebony and Ivory.. :) Also, #8 - OMG, the cuteness!!! Congrats on your debut novel Anne! :)

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