
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

COVER REVEAL: Embers and Ash by Ted Goeglein

Guys, do you realise that I've posted four days in a row? I feel so proud of myself for actually sitting down and scheduling posts! *pats back* Today, I'm coming to you with a cover reveal! EMBERS AND ASH (August, 2014) by Ted Goeglein is the third and final book in the COLD FURY trilogy from Penguin Books. If you're a long time bookie, you would know that I absolutely loved the first book in the series! I do have a copy of the second but I'm yet to get around to reading it (my TBR is HUGE and my reading speed is really, really, realllllly slow this year). Anyhow, enjoy the pretty cover!

Previous Books - 



Check Out T.M. Goeglein ( Hands down, one of the most awesome authors ever!) - Website | Blog | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

Badass Bookie xx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I do like the cover but not where the authors name is, the line bisects the lower half and it looks awkward.

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