
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day Twenty-Two - All About Kasie West ( Pivot Point)

Debutante Profile

Name – Kasie West
Debut - Pivot Point
Genre – Paranormal Contemporary
Website– HERE
Blog -  HERE
Twitter - HERE

Kasie lives with her family in central California, where the heat tries to kill her with its 115 degree stretches. She graduated from Fresno State University with a BA degree that has nothing to do with writing and is now working on her PhD in Junior Mint Eating.

Dream Debutante Dress -  Bookie's note: So simple and elegant! It's even white! What a beautiful dress selection! :)

Notes from a YA Debutante

I’m so excited to be one of the 2013 featured debutantes. When I was shopping for this dress they said they’d throw in Mr. Darcy with purchase. I started to ask if they meant the Collin Firth version or the Matthew MacFadyen one then I realized it didn’t matter.

So as evidenced by my dress selection, I’m a fan of Ms. Jane Austen. I was an avid reader long before I tried my hand at writing. Outside of writing I like to wakeboard….well, I try to wakeboard, I’m not very good. Mostly because I’m scared of injuries. This is an unfounded fear, I’ve only broken a bone once and it wasn’t while wakeboarding. It was actually while walking through a parking lot. I tripped over a parking curb while carrying a baby seat. Broke my wrist. So technically I should be scared of parking lots. Or baby seats. But I saved the baby!! Yes, I’m a true hero. My wrist can now tell me when it’s going to rain.

Speaking of baby seats. I’ve had to carry four different baby seats through dozens of different parking lots in the course of my life. There were actual babies in those seats as well. But I don’t have any more babies. My oldest is a Freshman in high school. And my youngest started school this year. I will go cry now.  It was a short cry because I remembered how much writing time that gives me. Yay for writing time!

I actually have lots of writing time because I have the world’s most supportive husband. I met him in college. He played basketball. Yes, a book nerd married a 6’8” jock. Turns out he likes books too and I like to watch sports. We fit well. Plus, he doesn’t mind that I brought Mr. Darcy home from the dress store. He agreed that it was a very good deal with purchase.  


Bookie's Note: Kasie, your life is like a YA contemporary novel! The book nerd falls in love with the jock who likes to read too! Perfection! Now I'm inspired to go to college in America! I haven't read any of Jane Austen's books but your enthusiasm over Mr. Darcy makes me want to! (Perhaps next year!) I've never wakeboarded before, it always looked so dangerous and I'm not exactly the most outdoorsy person but I must give it ago sometime!

Make sure to come back tomorrow for the second half of Kasie's feature! We have some juicy secrets lined up and a fantastic giveaway! 

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Haha I love this post! Kasie West rocks, the post is hilarious and I am so excited for Pivot Point =D

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  2. Katie is lovely and Pivot Point looks amazing, I can't wait to read it! Loved this post and will be sure to stop by tomorrow to learn of these "juicy secrets"!

  3. Thanks for having me, Lisa. This was a lot of fun. :)

  4. I'm keeping my eye out for more from Kasie!!! Such a lovely dress :D

  5. I can't wait to read Pivot Point. And I must say, even though I don't wear dresses but I do love this dress in particular. I'm a huge fan of Jane Austen.

  6. Love the Regency-style dress. If only it actually came with Mr. Darcy :P

  7. I'm with you Badass Bookie, I need to read Jane Austen as well. I keep meaning too but it never seems to happen.

    Maybe that's why I'm don't personally like the dress. It looks like a nightgown to me. Maybe that's the point though and I'm missing the reference since I haven't read Jane Austen.

    Talking about your husband and family was so cute and def. a "D'awww" moment.

  8. I'm a fan of Jane Austen too! I thought of her immediately when I saw this elegant dress. ;) Can't wait to read this!

  9. The book looks too good to let go.. Great dress!

  10. Kasie I'm looking forward to reading Pivot Point...congrats on being one of the 2013 debut authors ;)

  11. Can't wait to read this book, it sounds so interesting. I love the dress you picked... it's demure and sexy at the same time!

  12. I love getting to read all these fun things from the debut authors! Another book I can't wait to read : )

  13. Awesome husband that understands when you bring home a classic. Mine would be like "ok babe, sure thing" and then go call his mama and ask who the heck Mr. Darcy is. But I love him anyway. He likes most everything that I like and vice versa. So we work pretty dang well! And I have broken quite a few bones (somewhere in the teens), and trust me, I would be scared of injuries too

  14. Katy sounds lovely and so does Pivot Point so thanks for letting us get to know her a bit better! I haven't read anything by Jane Austen - yet - but I love how big a fan Katy is!

  15. Pretty dress!!! And way to go getting them to throw in a Mr. Darcy. I'm jealous. Where can I get dress+Darcy??

  16. Kasie is seriously awesome!! Can't wait for her book!

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