
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Debut of the Month - All About Auracle + Giveaway!

Book Profile

Name - Auracle (Goodreads)
Author - Gina Rosati ( Debutante Profile )
Genre - YA Paranormal
Release Date - September 7th 2012

16 year old Anna Rogan has a secret she's only shared with her best friend, Rei; she can astrally project out of her body, allowing her spirit to explore the world and the far reaches of the universe.

When there's a fatal accident and her classmate Taylor takes over Anna's body, what was an exhilarating distraction from her repressive home life threatens to become a permanent state. Faced with a future trapped in another dimension, Anna turns to Rei for help. Now the two of them must find a way to get Anna back into her body and stop Taylor from accusing an innocent friend of murder. Together Anna and Rei form a plan but it doesn't take into account the deeper feelings that are beginning to grow between them.

Available - The BookDepository | Fishpond | Amazon | Barnes and Noble

The Insider's Scoop

1) In the first few drafts, the willow tree was inhabited by a wise old tree spirit named Trax, who I loved enough to have tattooed onto my wrist.

2) While Anna was out of her body, she and Trax had some Deep Convos About The Meaning of Life, which led to him getting axed (pun intended) during edits, as it was decided that Trax was telling Anna stuff she (as our hero) should be figuring out herself.

3) Other fantasy elements that Anna could communicate with in the early drafts included fairies (flower spirits) and gnomes (weed spirits). The gnomes were rather sketchy.

4) After Taylor moved into Anna’s body, Anna met a friend, Paul, who died in a motorcycle accident. He wasn’t there to create a love triangle, but as someone for Anna to talk to when she was outside her body. Paul didn’t survive the edits and was replaced with Callie, who I love, but not enough to tattoo her onto my remaining wrist.

5) If you read carefully, you’ll notice that Anna’s metaphors are mostly food related. The girl loves to eat!

6) There was a tremendous temptation to let Anna’s spirit go off exploring exotic places (since she can go anywhere in the universe) but I had to keep her exploration consistent with what was happening with the story. I did a ton of research and wrote dozens of scenes with Anna in various places, (including letting her get sucked into that black hole Rei worries so much about to see if her spirit would survive that) but the bottom line is, if it didn’t move the story in the right direction, it ended up in the recycle file.


Gina is giving away a SIGNED Hardcover Copy of Auracle + Swag!

Rule of Entry -

- International  
- Ends 18th of December
- Must be 13 or older
- Optional Entries :
   * Leaving comment on either of Gina's posts +1 each
   * Follow Me on Twitter +1
   * Follow Gina on Twitter +1
   * Tweeting Giveaway +1
   * Follow Badass Bookie via GFC/Linky or RSS +2
Badass Bookie xx


  1. Yay for this new giveaway! Thanks Lisa!

  2. Yay for this new giveaway! Thanks Lisa!

  3. Thanks for the international giveaway!! Signed book! *swoons*

  4. Thank you for the giveaway! Been wanting to read this book!

  5. Thanks so much! I added this one to my wishlist as soon as I was "astrally project." I have a slight obsessions with astral projection, although I've only found one book with it featured. Well, now two books! :D

  6. Definitely looking forward to reading this book. Love the tattoo!

  7. Thanks for the giveaway - this was already on my wishlist!

  8. I'm loving the tattoo. AURACLE looks fabulous!!

  9. Great giveaway! Tattoo looks awesome!!

  10. Thanks for the giveaway and thanks for making it INT! I really appreciate that! :)

  11. I'm looking forward to reading this!: )

  12. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Sounds fantastic!

  13. I love the story of Auracle, thank you for the chance!

  14. Wooo hoooo! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Fingers crossed!

  15. This book sounds amazing! Thanks for the giveaway, Lisa! :)

  16. Wow, that guest post really makes me all the more intrigued! Thanks for the chance to win, Lisa. :)

    BTW, I think I put the wrong Twitter name for Gina's entry. It's @Megkification, not @DaOnlyPotterjay. Sorry!

  17. Thankyou for this giveaway- I have loved the sound of this book for ages. *Fingers crossed I win*
    And that cover is so swoony gorgeous! Yep, this would look good on my shelf!

  18. Thanks for the giveaway, great and beautiful tattoo :)

  19. Thanks for the giveaway! New follower via Candace's Book Blog. :)

  20. I can't wait to read Auracle and that's such a cool tatoo

  21. Thanks for another awesome giveaway! I've had Auracle on my TBR list for a while and so need to read it : )

  22. Hooray for food-related metaphors! Can't wait to read this one. ;) Thanks for the giveaway, Lisa and Gina!

  23. Thanks Lisa for a wonderful giveaway. As usual, very generous :D

  24. Woot! I so want to read this book! That tattoo is awesome and that thing about Anna wandering off to exotic places could have been cool to read.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

    P.S. Check out my Blogoversary Giveaway!

  25. I can't believe this is open internationally! Thanks!!!

  26. Thank you for making this international! :)

  27. Thank you for the chance to win, can't wait to read it

  28. Thank you for the opportunity to win and for making it international. I've been intrigued by this book since I first heard about it!

  29. Thanks for the chance.
    This is totally new for me

  30. this giveaway is amazing...
    thx u so much ^^

  31. Thank you for the giveaway (:

  32. Was sort of hesitant about this but after reading the insider scoop I'm quite interested!

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway :D

  33. I can't wait to read this! :)

    And I just noticed this but CONGRATS ON 2000 GFC, YOU MIRACLE-MAKER, YOU!!! wooooo

  34. Great giveaway, the concept of this book sounds really cool.

    (Also: Love the tattoo)

  35. The premise of this book sounds awesome, can't wait to read it!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. I'm really excited for this book! I've been planning to read it since a few months back. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  37. Thank you for the giveaway! Auracle is on my Christmas wishlist :D

  38. Thank you, I want to read this book! I love the cover.

  39. One of my most anticipated reads! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  40. I love that tattoo! I also love food- I think me and the MC would get along <3

  41. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! :)) I really want to have this one, actually i thought I could have this book on my shelf right now but unfortunately the blogger where I won does not reply on my mails :((

  42. Thank you very much for the super awesome giveaway... :)

  43. That tattoo is gorg! I'd totally be tempted to get one if I weren't so chicken. >.<

  44. 5) If you read carefully, you’ll notice that Anna’s metaphors are mostly food related. The girl loves to eat!

    That is refreshing! :D

  45. Yay for this new giveaway! Thanks Lisa!

  46. Thanks for the giveaway, I cant Wait to read this

  47. Thank you for the giveaway! And the tattoo looks awesome! And food metaphors?? Can't wait to read!

  48. Auracle is an amazing book that's a wonderful debut and I can't wait to see more from Gina Rosati! I'm disappointed there won't be a sequel, but I'm hoping that Rosati will change her mind! I need to see more of Anna and her astral projection! This is definitely one of those books that no one can hate and everyone will want! (And I noticed that this review is pretty short, but I'm afraid if I go on more, I'll end up gushing.)

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