
Sunday, October 28, 2012

In My Mailbox #58 ( The Over A Month Edition)

Hi Everyone! I know the blog has been pretty shabby lately with a lack of posts and all that jazz but I've been really busy with exam preparation and blogging has really taken a backseat! I totally lied when I said things are going to pick up again, from the way things are going, I'll be MIA until at least mid-Novemeber! Please bear with me!

This is a book haul, I can't really remember when the last time I did an IMM post was but it was AGES ago (definitely over a month)! In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren. IMM is where we share the bookish contents of our mailboxes!

For Review -

Going Underground by Susan Vaught ( Paperback Edition)
The Orphan of the Flames by H.L. Dennis 
Torn by David Massey
Breathe by Sarah Crossan
The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan 
Hidden by P.C. and Kristin Cast
What's Left of me by Kat Zhang
I Made Lattes for A Love God by Wendy Harmer
Shine Light by Marianne de Pierres
Black Spring by Alison Good Croggon
The Diviners by Libba Bray
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Reached by Ally Condie
Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick

(Thanks to Penguin, Bloomsbury, Allen and Unwin, Hachette, Simon and Schuster, Random House, Scholastic, Harper Collins and Walker Books!)

Won/Gifted/Swapped/Bought -

Such A Rush by Jennifer Echols
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
Skylark by Meagan Spooner
Slated by Teri Terry
The Little Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff 
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

( Thanks to Ang @ Moonlight Reader, SOME GURL WHO WENT TO STRAND AND BOUGHT ME GRAVE MERCY, Hachette Childrens, Braiden @Book Probe and mwah!)

That's it for me! Link me to your IMMs! And help me choose what to read next!

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Ohh great haul! Skylark, Reached, Breathe, Finale, Night Circus, The Diviners, and The Raven Boys! I want to read almost all your books. I did read and enjoy What's Left of Me! Happy reading!

  2. Seeing some of my favourite books up there. Great book haul. LOVE The Night Circus!

  3. Grave Mercy is one of my favorite books this year!!! Hope you'll enjoy your new reads and good luck with your upcoming exams :)

  4. OOh nice! I got Finale this week as well, although it wasn't a review book! Hope you enjoy all these once you get a chance to read them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I spy some fantastic books here, I hope you enjoy them and good luck with your exams

    Here is my weekly round-up post.
    Lauren at Northern Plunder

  6. Awesome haul! I loved The Raven Boys and omg you have Reached! I'm looking forward to seeing how that series ends. Enjoy and good luck with your exams! :)

    You can check out what books I got this week here!

  7. What an insane month of goodies! I really need to pick up Finale, because I LOVE the Hush, Hush series. What's Left of Me looks absolutely fascinating. Happy reading, I can't wait to read all of your reviews! :)

  8. Ooh, you got a lot of awesome goodies! I really liked Grave Mercy. ;)

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  9. Ah I'm so jealous of your Review books! Grave Mercy is a GREAT book. One of my favorites this year...I stayed up til 3 reading it the first night I purchased it. Hope you like it!

    Here's my stacking the shelves:

  10. You have a great haul this week! I hope you enjoy the books.

    Stacking the Shelves
    Lisa @ Shatterbooks

  11. Ahh! So much amazing :) Hope you'll enjoy it all. <3 And omg! Too jealous about The Little Stormdancer. Very very very much want that one :)
    Love, Carina

  12. Dude Raven Boys is so good. You're gonna love it. And Finale!!!! Becca is going to be in town TOMORROW! So excited :)

  13. So many awesome books in that mailbox, wow. I have a lot of those on my wishlist. Please come and visit my mailbox. :)


  14. Awesome haul. Slated looks really interesting. Enjoy!
    Here's my IMM feel free to check it out...

  15. Ohhh, awesome haul! You got some amazing books there. Happy reading :D

  16. Hi!
    Oh man, SOO many great books you go there!
    I really want to read Grave Mercy and What's Left of Me. I still need to read my copies of The Raven Boys and Night Circus..EEK.
    Hope you enjoy some of those!
    My IMM:


    The Little Stormdance looks SO cute, and THE RAVEN BOYS! AND SLATED! AND AND AND!!! ♥

    SERIOUSLY happy reading :D

  18. So many books! and there are a bunch that I want to read :D
    I loved The Mark of Athena, seriously the best in the series :)

  19. Oooh, The Mark of Athena? The Raven Boys? Grave Mercy? What's Left of Me? I'm drooling! :P I also know my friend would kill for the chance to read Reached early, lol!
