
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Debut of the Month - All About The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy + Giveaway!

Book Profile

Name - The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy (Goodreads)
Author - Nikki Loftin
Genre - MG Fiction
Release Date - 21st August 2012
Available - The Book Depository | Fishpond | Amazon | Barnes and Noble

When Lorelei's old school mysteriously burns down, a new one appears practically overnight: Splendid Academy. Rock-climbing walls on the playground and golden bowls of candy on every desk? Gourmet meals in the cafeteria, served by waiters? Optional homework and two recess periods a day? It's every kids's dream.

But Lorelei and her new friend Andrew are pretty sure it's too good to be true. Together they uncover a sinister mystery, one with their teacher, the beautiful Ms. Morrigan, at the very center.

Then Andrew disappears. Lorelei has to save him, even if that means facing a past she'd like to forget – and taking on a teacher who's a real witch.

What Lorelei and Andrew discover chills their bones – and might even pick them clean!

The Insider's Scoop

A Character Profile and Interview

Introducing one of the finest teachers on the Splendid Academy staff – Alva Morrigan (staff bio taken from the school’s website, at

Bio: With her deep desire to feed hungry learners, Ms. Morrigan was a natural addition to the Splendid Academy staff. In addition to teaching in the classroom, Ms. Morrigan has taken on the duties of cafeteria meal planner and kitchen head of staff. She earned her first degree in cooking from the Culinary Arts Academy of the Périgord (L’Académie des Artes de Cuisine du Périgord), where she won top honors upon graduation with her triple-stuffed foie gras (goose liver) and bitter chocolate cheesecake. Ms. Morrigan later earned excellent qualifications in elementary and intermediate education, with specializations in Biology and Human Anatomy.

Ms. Morrigan states her philosophy of teaching: “If a student is hungry, she can’t learn. Feed the body, then feed the mind, and the rewards will be a feast any teacher would be proud to call her creation!”


Ms. Morrigan, what is it you love most about teaching?

Definitely the students. They’re so sweet, when they’re young, and they consume knowledge like little piglets. Of course, in the award-winning Splendid Academy cafeteria, they consume food in the same fashion. We do have an outstanding menu – and this year, we have plans for an all-day ice cream sundae station! Kids can leave class anytime they feel the urge to make a triple-decker ice cream masterpiece.
That sounds rather unhealthy. There is an epidemic of childhood obesity in America. Are you at all concerned about contributing to the worsening of this situation?

Of course not. Our aim is to grow children big and strong – and that means making sure they receive the perfect mix of protein and carbohydrate. That’s why you’ll never seejust fried chicken on our menu: we’ll also have white rolls, mashed potatoes with creamed gravy, honey-drenched carrots, and chocolate-covered cashew clusters for dessert. Cashews are an excellent source of protein.

What we have found, however, is that in many other schools, students come to class hungry and unprepared to learn. That’s why mandatory breakfast at Splendid Academy was instituted – it’s not just a team-building time, it’s a brain building time, too. If students are well-fed, they’re ready to learn.

Mandatory breakfasts? That sounds rather harsh. Are there a lot of rules at Splendid Academy?

To the contrary! We think children are the best monitors of their own behavior. Given the right kind of teacher – one who doesn’t focus on rule-breaking, but on having fun -- we find behavior is not an issue. With our exciting playground – there are two zip lines already installed, along with a rock-climbing wall -- and classrooms with all the latest technology, we find our students want to spend more time at school, not less!

What do you think of your boss, Principal Trapp?

Well, she’s excellent at her job of course. The school wouldn’t be what it is without her leadership! But, between us, I think she’s too easy on some of the students. She starts to treat them like her own children… oh, I understand the attraction! I look at these sweet, tender young things, and I just want to keep them with me forever! But sometimes, Principal Trapp lets herself be taken advantage of. It’s a good thing she has me here to keep an eye on the troublemakers.

Now, I’m sorry, but I have to run! I’m in charge of training the kitchen staff, and we have a whole new month of menus to try out before the school year begins. The kids won’t be able to resist these new recipes, I can promise you that.

Enroll your child at Splendid Academy today! Visit for more information.


Nikki is giving away a First Edition Signed Copy of The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy + Swag and CANDY!

Rule of Entry -

- Open to North American Residents ONLY
- Ends 18th of September
- Must be 13 or older
- Optional Entries :
   * Leaving comment on either of Nikki's posts +1 each
   * Follow Me on Twitter +1
   * Follow Nikki on Twitter +1
   * Tweeting Giveaway +1
   * Follow Badass Bookie via GFC/Linky or RSS +2
Badass Bookie xx


  1. So very excited for Nikki's book debut! Congrats!!

  2. Very excited about this book!! Great give away!! :)

  3. sounds awesome
    good luck to all

  4. I'm so excited for a MG read. They are few and far between!

  5. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  6. Thanks for the giveaway! this book sounds like an great mystery book!

  7. The cafeteria totally sounds like college. ;) Except that Ms. Morrigan sounds kind of scary. Great interview! Thank you for the giveaway. :)

  8. this book looks great, thanks for the giveaway!

  9. I seriously can't wait to read this one. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
