
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Debut of the Month - All About The Little Woods + Giveaway

Book Profile

Name - The Little Woods (Goodreads)
Author - McCormick Templeman
Genre - Thriller
Release Date - 10th July 2012
Available - The Book Depository | Fishpond 

Are the woods behind St. Bede's Academy really haunted, or does bad stuff just happen there? When Calista Wood, a new student, arrives midway through her junior year, St. Bede's feels like a normal school . . . until she discovers that a girl had disappeared a couple of months earlier. Some kids think she ran away, others think she was murdered, but it's only when Cally starts digging around that she finds the startling truth.

Watch as Cally enters a world of privilege, weekend-long parties, high school romances, and . . . well-kept secrets. This page-turner will appeal to teens looking for a fast-paced thriller. Written in a voice at once gripping and crystal clear, debut novelist, McCormick Templeman, will take readers on a twisting and turning journey as only a "new girl" can experience.

The Insider's Scoop

1.     I went to boarding school, and while St. Bede’s isn’t my high school, it does share some similarities in terms of the campus layout.

2.     Originally, the book was set in a small town in upstate New York in 1910 with a doctor as the main character.

3.     The seed for the book came to me while reading a very old book of medical examiner’s notes I discovered in the New York Public Library.

4.     There is a freshman girl in The Little Woods who is mentioned only in passing, but who plays a very large role in one of my other books.

5.     The original title of The Little Woods was The Puzzle Box. My publisher asked me to change it, and it took me months to come up with something that wasn’t awful. The worst intermediary title was probably The Death and Life of Great American Children (a play on the urban planning classic by Jane Jacobs). Luckily, that one didn’t stick.

6.     The titular little woods behind St. Bede’s have a counterpart on the east coast with an accompanying story that I hope to write one day.

7.     The book went through a total of three permutations before I landed on the idea of setting it in present day at a boarding school. At one point it was an experimental choose-your-own-adventure.

8.     Iris and Jack are the only characters who made it into every version of the book.


McCormick is giving away (1) Copy of The Little Woods + Swag!

Rule of Entry -

- International 
- Ends 18th of August
- Must be 13 or older
- Optional Entries :
   * Leaving comment on either of McCormick's posts +1 each
   * Follow Me on Twitter +1
   * Follow McCormick on Twitter +1
   * Tweeting Giveaway +1
   * Follow Badass Bookie via GFC/Linky or RSS +2

Badass Bookie xx


  1. This sounds like such a good read! I've definitely got to add it to my tbr list! Thanks for sharing the insider's scoop! I love it : )

  2. What an interesting insider's scoop. Sounds like there were a lot of changes. I'm really intrigued.

  3. Thanks for a great post! Sounds fantastic! Congrats on the new release!

  4. I'm loving the sound of this book. I predict it'll be an exciting thriller that I won't be able to put down :-)

  5. Seriously? She went to boarding school? Once upon a time, when I was a kid, I thought boarding school must be the awfullest thing ever... then I read Harry Potter :P

  6. This sounds creepy!!! >.<
    I like it already!!
    Thanks for the chance!!

  7. Sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. Sounds eerie. Can't wait to read it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. I just love the cover of this book, the colors and everything looks so awesome!! Sounds creepy and very intriguing, can't wait to read this one:D

  10. Sounds really good, especially the title Little Woods, the previous one Puzzle box too. I find it really interestingm that this YA book was inspired by the book of medical examiner’s notes.

    Thank you for the giveaway:)

  11. This sounds amazing. Especially 'cause this book is already marked in my TBR-pile ;)
    Thanks for the opportunity.


  12. Really enjoyed the insider's scoop!
    Thanks for a fantabulous giveaway!

  13. Thank you for the chance to win! :)

    Cherry Mischievous

  14. The insider's scoop was pretty cool! Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. I can't wait to get my hands on this book. I've had it written on a post it note and taped to my wall for at least four months. That's how long I've been waiting to read this. It looks so good! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy :)

  16. This book sounds amazing, and I looove the inside scoop!

  17. The Little Woods sounds intriguing!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. This cover is so pretty! The Insider's Scoop was great! Fun facts! :o)

  19. I love the sound of this book! I love thrillers and I love the colors of the cover. :)

  20. I Love Thrillers!!! Sounds scary!

  21. I love books like this! Can't wait to read it!

  22. Whoops I commented on the same post twice by accident but not on the other. I love the cover!

  23. thanks for the chance to win!!! :D

  24. Love thrillers. Sounds exciting!

  25. Love to see where the ideas came from! Can't wait to read this one, so thank you for the amazing giveaway!! :D

  26. Hi, this is sounds a great book. I'd love to read it, definitely. This is kinda my favorite genre.

  27. OOhh sounds like a intense book. Thanks for giving this away.

  28. The Insider's Scoop is a great feature! This book sounds very interesting and I can't wait to read it.

  29. This sounds like a really catchy book and I'd love to read it

  30. Sounds intriguing. I love a good thriller book!
    Thanks for hosting this giveaway :)

  31. the insider scoop is awesome... :)
