
Friday, July 27, 2012

Burn Mark

Review Time! I feel like if I leave Burn Mark any longer on the review pile, I'm going to have to go to confession because it's been there for weeks and guilt is eating away at me! Burn Mark by Laura Powell is paranormal romance that I very much enjoyed! If you're looking to purchase the book, here are some of my favourite bookstores - Fishpond | The Nile | Booktopia | Angus and Robertson | Dymocks. Thanks to Bloomsbury for the review copy!

(Goodreads) Glory is from a family of witches and lives beyond the law. She is desperate to develop her powers and become a witch herself. Lucas is the son of the Chief Prosecutor for the Inquisition—the witches’ mortal enemy—and his privileged life is very different to the forbidden world that he lives alongside.

And then on the same day, it hits them both. Glory and Lucas develop the Fae—the mark of the witch. In one fell stroke, their lives are inextricably bound together, whether they like it or not . . .

The Short Story? - A very original approach to YA paranormal! Beautiful world building and a thrilling plot, Burn Mark was filled with action, drama and the endearing romance of first love. Told with a unique narrative voice, Burn Mark is a brilliant novel with so much to offer readers! With fantastic characters, a british setting and the paranormal touch, this is definitely one to put on the radar!

The Long Story? - Burn Mark was a solid read, there were parts in which I was a little iffy about but all in all, I very much enjoyed it! One of my favourite things about Burn Mark is it's premise. Set in modern day Britain where witchcraft is openly accepted ability (although feared) - the novel offers something different and unique. I loved the world-building Powell took upon, she has somehow weaved witches into her story in way that seems less paranormal romance and more futuristic reality. One of my main concerns with Burn Mark was the pace, the plot was really slow to pick up and I thought it would have been better to be more direct. However once we passed that slow curve, I very much enjoyed Burn Mark. The plot is well planned, it's an entertaining novel and it's definitely worth putting on your radar. Brilliant unique!

The characterisation was very well done. The novel is told from the dual perspectives of Grace and Lucas. Both characters are a little young in my opinion, I don't know many 15 year olds that can handle this kind of excitement in their life but YA is YA. I really liked Lucas, he was a very likeable character. That softly spoken personality of his is very attractive and he's a very nice boy! Over the course of the book I also grew to really like Grace, initially I thought she was too brash. Lacked manners, bad attitude, not very ladylike but her attitude is really just protection. Losing her mother at a young age has really done a number of this girl! Both characters played key roles in the novel and they compliment each other beautifully. The whole opposites attract theory really shows through! :) Overall, great characters!

All in all, Burn Mark was definitely a solid novel with a  unique premises and an interesting plot. I would definitely recommend everyone to give this novel a try. I certainly enjoyed it and I'm sure many of you will too! The pace was a little slower than what I would have like but in the end, it didn't really matter! I can't wait to see what the sequel brings us after the bombshell Powell dropped right at the end! Put this one on your radar!

What's it Worth? - Squeeze Into the Budget/ Hand Over the Paycheck

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Liiiiisaaa, have I mentioned I love your reviews? Maybe? I just... seriously, you always make me see the absolute best in a book, and even the things you're a little unsure on you make sound INTRIGUING. I wasn't sure about this one, but... I CHANGE MY MIND! I really like the idea of the premise and world building, and I'm very curious about these MC's.


  2. I liked this book a lot too. For me, the slow pace was fine as I got used to the England of this world-I'm a sucker for insanely detailed world-building so I can handle a slower pace as long as there is a good reward!

  3. Seems like you enjoyed it, sounds like a good read.
    great review!
    new follower!
