
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Debut of the Month - All About Lies Beneath + Giveaway

Book Profile

Name - Lies Beneath (Goodreads)
Author - Anne Greenwood Brown
Genre - Paranormal
Release Date - 12th June 2012
Available - The Book Depository | Fishpond | The Nile

Calder White lives in the cold, clear waters of Lake Superior, the only brother in a family of murderous mermaids. To survive, Calder and his sisters prey on humans, killing them to absorb their energy. But this summer the underwater clan targets Jason Hancock out of pure revenge. They blame Hancock for their mother's death and have been waiting a long time for him to return to his family's homestead on the lake. Hancock has a fear of water, so to lure him in, Calder sets out to seduce Hancock's daughter, Lily. Easy enough—especially as Calder has lots of practice using his irresistable good looks and charm on ususpecting girls. Only this time Calder screws everything up: he falls for Lily—just as Lily starts to suspect that there's more to the monsters-in-the-lake legends than she ever imagined. And just as his sisters are losing patience with him.

The Insider's Scoop

Sometimes it's fun to look behind the curtain to see where a book was before it was a book. They usually don't come out of the chute looking anything like their final version. For example, as I mentioned, my novel was originally titled THE PROMISE, then it became WHAT'S UNDERNEATH, before finally settling on LIES BENEATH. Actually, my husband seriously pushed for it to be called FISH AND CHICKS. (I've kept him around anyway.)

Another change was that my character Maris used to be called Ren. She was Lily's foil. I had to change her name when I was reading another author's book where two major characters were named Ren and Lily! What were the chances??? Oy.

But probably the biggest change was that there was an incarnation of LIES BENEATH written in third person pov, instead of Calder's first person point of view. It started with this Mini Prologue:

On the shores of Lake Superior, just north of Bayfield, Wisconsin, there is a wayside rest with a small cinderblock outhouse, nearly obscured by the underbrush. A message is scrawled on the wall in black permanent marker. People come here to see it. They trace the inscription with their fingers, lay their palms against the wall. They imagine her leaning in as she wrote.

My name is Lily Hancock. I'm telling you this in case you have to identify my body. Tell my parents I'm sorry, but a promise was meant to be kept. Now all I need is luck.

And they wonder if she'll ever be found.

I kind of liked that, but writing the story in third person did not have the same resonance as first person. Here's a glimpse of the moment where Calder meets Mrs. Hancock in an early third-person pov draft:

"Why don't you introduce me to your friend, Lily?" her mother called. She smiled and lifted a hand, coaxing them over to her. As they got closer, Calder suppressed surprise at finding Mrs. Hancock sitting in a wheel chair.

Here is the same moment in Calder's first person point of view:

"How was work, Lily?" Mrs. Hancock called. "Is that Calder, too? Our hero!" She smiled and lifted a hand, coaxing us over to her. As we got closer my pulse raced. I didn't know if it was because Mrs. Hancock was sitting in a wheel chair--Had she been that hurt when fell in the kitchen?--or because there was something about being so close to a mother.  Any mother. Carolyn Hancock's face softened when she looked at me. Or was I imagining that? Was wish fulfillment another symptom of prolonged abstinence? Was I becoming delusional?

Telling the first installment of the LIES BENEATH series from the point of view of cold-blooded merman with guarded speech was a huge risk. How does a reader sympathize with that kind of character? Letting the reader into Calder's mind, showing his most intimate thoughts about love, guilt, and the loss of his family was the only way to make that happen. Hence, the point of view had to change so the reader could watch Calder's evolution from animal to man. I hope you will agree that it was the right decision!


Anne is giving away (2) SIGNED Hardcover Copies of Lies Beneath + Bookmark!

Rule of Entry -

- International 
- Ends 16th of July
- Must be 13 or older
- Optional Entries :
   * Leaving comment on either of Anne's posts +1 each
   * Follow Me on Twitter +1
   * Follow Anne on Twitter +1
   * Tweeting Giveaway +1
   * Follow Badass Bookie via GFC/Linky or RSS +2

Badass Bookie xx


  1. I'm about to read this one! I adore the cover and the idea is so intriguing! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    1. Glad to hear it! Put away your notions of Little Mermaid….these are the real ones. ; )

  2. Interesting post! And yes. Usually mermaid/merman novels come from the POV of humans. But I like how the author decided to switch it to the lethal merman's POV. Looking forward to reading this!

  3. I'm really looking forward to read Lies Beneath since it's first released. Thanks for the review and giveaway! :D

  4. I love the sound of this book! I love that the guy is the bad guy and that love redeems him:)

    Thanks so much:)

    1. And I LOVE Calder - he sounds so interesting, it will be cool to see things through him:)

  5. I haven't read any mermaids books before - but this does sounds interesting. Especially the revenge element! :-)

  6. I love the sound of this book (I love mermaids!) Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. This book had me obsessed since I heard of it! I can't wait to read it :)

  8. This book sounds brilliant. I love anything to do with mermaids! its definitely high on my TBR list!

  9. I read this one and I quite like it. So a signed copy would be great ^^ Thaaaanks!

  10. i've been so looking forward to reading this book! i'm so glad it's finally out : )

  11. Excellent post! Reading some many fab reviews on this one! Really want to get a copy myself! Not sure when I can read it though since I am so behind on many 2012 books! But I am so loving the mermaid theme that is getting big!

  12. Thanks everyone for all the comments. I hope you enjoy it!

  13. I love mermaids!!!!!!!! can't wait to read this book!!

  14. I love mermaid books. They've become sort of an addiction for me! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  15. Thanks for the inside scoop!! The premise for this one is really alluring.

  16. I'm not a huge fan of fantasy novels or mermaid novels, but one of my friends had the 0pleasure of reading Lies Beneath and she guarantees that I'll love it. The plot sounds interesting, and the more I read about it, the more I'm intrigued. I'm definitely adding it to my TBR. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. The excerpts were awesome! Thank you!
    And Fish and Chicks? HILARIOUS!!!!

  18. Thanks for the great post and giveaway! I've been reading such awesome reviews for this book, I would love a chance to read it ;)

  19. Thanks for the great post and giveaway

  20. Thanks for the opportunity to win and read this, can't wait to sink into it, i've read many good things about it.

  21. So can't wait to read this one! <3 It sounds absolutely AMAZING. Thanks soooooooo much for the giveaway bb!

  22. Wow! There is quite the difference between my emotions reading 1st person vs. 3rd person. I do have to agree that I love the beginning in 3rd person, however; it's very chilling.

  23. I've heard so many great things about this novel that I must read it!! It sounds amazing :)
    Thank you for the internatioal giveaway,
    Kristia Miltiadou.

  24. looking forward to read this book...
    i lover the cover....
    thx u so much :)

  25. I hear about this book and read review to. Looking forward to read this book :)
    thanks for giveaway!!

  26. I was looking forward to read this book, I'm really interested in mermaid! ^^ Moreover I've read lots of positive reviews about it
    Thank you for the opportunity!

    Sara@ Sara In Bookland

  27. I reaallllyy loved this book! It was sooo good! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  28. I'm not really into mermaid stories and whatnot, but this book sounds so amazing, it found its way to my wish list! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  29. I'm not into mermaid books at all, but this one really captured my attention! I see I'm not the only one either. Thanks for the giveaway - I'll def be looking out for this one. Plus I loved seeing how the book has developed along the way!

  30. One the most beautiful YA covers! Thanks for the chance!

  31. I've heard so many great things about this book! Plus I've never read a mermaid book before but I'd LOVE to! Fingers crossed. :)

  32. Have heard great things about this book, hoping to read it soon:)

  33. Oh this books looks so good, I can't wait to read it. 2012 has definitely become the year of the mermaids and I'm loving reading them from so many different perspectives and the different interactions of the myths into some incredible stories. Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway and for the chance to win what will most likely be a great summer read! :D

  34. I would love to read Lies Beneath. I've been hearing such nice things about it.

  35. Thank u for this giveaway. A signed hardback copy is totally awesome. I love the cover, it's gorgeous. And I love mermaid stories :)

  36. Awesome giveaway! The blurb also sounds delicious :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. Fish and Chicks?!?! Hilarious!

    I've wanted to read this one forever. I've heard that it's definitely must-read mermaid book of the year!

  38. Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

  39. I can't wait to read this one! Thanks for the chance to win!!
    Brittany S

  40. I read an e-ARC of this book and I absolutely loved it! It would be so awesome if I could have a signed finished copy to add to my shelf ^^ That cover is so gorgeous

  41. ~drops dead~
    I loved the galley, hope to get a final copy!! XD

  42. Excellent post!
    This book sounds really good. I can't wait to read this one!
    Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway! :D

  43. I've heard so much about this book and it sounds like it's a really great read. Thanks for the giveaway!

  44. Looking forward to reading Lies Beneath!! I heard many great things about it. I haven't read any mermaid books or shall I say merman books!! :)

  45. ooh mermaids! last mermaid story i've heard about is probably the tv show H2O (Just Add Water!) teehee

    looking forward to read this!

  46. There are many things in the supernatural genre that have me feeling skeptical, especially mermaids. And yet, every time I see a review for Lies Beneath I start second guessing my skepticism. The story just seems like it's going to be something totally unexpected. I mean, the mermaids I know are beautiful and sing happy songs and are curious about humans. The mermaids in Lies Beneath kill humans! My mind is blown. I am actually looking forward to reading this book!

  47. this has been on my tbr list for a while, hope i win. thanks for the giveaway

  48. I have read only one book about mermaids so far and loved it. This looks interesting too!

    I am hosting 5 amazing International giveaways. Would love it if you could drop by:

  49. Sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win!

  50. I can't wait to read this novel!!! Sounds amazing :)

  51. I can't wait to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  52. I have been dying to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  53. I've been wanting to read this one for so long! I think the third and first person differing points of view is very interesting. And seriously what ARE the odds of another YA book with the exact same MC character names!?

  54. I've never read a book about a mermaid before. I decided to start with a good one...this one! I hope to read it soon.

  55. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I love mermaids <3

  56. Thank you so much for the chance! I'm really looking forward to read Lies Beneath, it would be my first book about mermaids :O ;)

  57. Hello :)
    I have heard a lot about this book, maybe just maybe I will win the giveaway...
    Thanks :)

  58. Loved this book & it was my 1st mermaid one too. Thanks for the giveaway!

  59. OMG! I need all the four leaf clover I can find to win this! :P

  60. I love that it is told from the perspective of a merman instead of a mermaid, it just throws the old stories on their heads that much more.

  61. What interests me is how a book can go through 4 or 5 titles before a consensus is reached. The author, agents, editors, and any number of people have to air their views.

    You screw up the name of the book, and even the best book ever written might not get off the shelf.

  62. I've heard a lot about this book. Thanks for the giveaway

  63. I've heard a lot about this book. Thanks for the giveaway

  64. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this, and the book is fantastic! Great job, Anne!

  65. This is a great Giveaway... Very curious with the story.. Mermaid story is new for Me.. thank's for the chance to Win... Wish I could Lucky.. ^^

  66. Thank you for the giveaway. I had the chance to read an ARC (way back in January!) and I loved it. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

  67. Thanks for the giveaway, looking forward to read this one.

  68. Thanks for the awesome review, would love to read what looks like a good book :)

  69. This is the third time I'm entering a Lies Beneath giveaway.If I don't get it,I'll be heartbroken. :'(

  70. This book sounds fascinating. Mermaids are seriously overlooked in the world of fae and in writing.

  71. I love all of the new mermaid fiction that's coming out now! So excited to get this book and read it!

  72. This book sounds really interesting; interested to see the dynamic between the characters!

  73. This sounds soooooooooo good... and signed... !!!! :D

  74. I would love to own this book! Thanks :)

  75. Thanks for the giveaway! I have such a weakness for mermaid fiction. >.<

  76. I have always loved mermaid books and the cover is irresistible. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  77. I'm so happy I found your blog! I can't wait to read all the books you're introducing me to!

  78. I have heard some really good things about this book, gotta read it soon.

  79. Good idea with the first person point of view. Books written like that often seem more intense - not always - but often. Books about mermaids rock!

  80. I cant wait to read this book, the cover is gorgeous.

  81. I am such a Mermaid fan! I can't even tell you how excited I am for this book <3 I liked the examples of the First and Third person point of views.

  82. I am so excited to read Lies Beneath. I do love stories that involve Mers. Thank you for the giveaway!


  83. Never heard about this book. I would love to read is. Thanks for a great give away.

  84. Wow...this is awesome! thanks for the opportunity to win

  85. I'm so glad you changed from 3rd to 1st perspective because it makes it so much more intimate!

    Thanks for this awesome insight to the process, and the giveaway!

  86. Thank you for the chance to win! :)

    Cherry Mischievous

  87. Thanks for this awesome give away! The book sound so good and I thought about buying it a few times but because of space issues I bought just the digital copy so this is a great chance to get my hands on a hardback copy :D
    Thanks again!

    Filia Libri

  88. This book sounds amazing! Thanks so much for the chace to win it!

  89. I'd love to get my hands on this book :)

    Thanks for the international giveaway!!

    Rafflecopter name - Rosemarie D

  90. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! I am so excited for this book so I have my fingers crossed ;p

  91. I absolutely fell in love with the dark haunting story that this book had to tell from deep below its murky depths of rich glimmering waters. It was so beautifully written that it wasted no time in successfully ensnaring me in its amazing web of secrets, betrayals, and lies. It was just...beautiful! I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!!

    And I would love to my own copy of it as well. Thank you, so much for this generous and amazing giveaway!!!

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  92. Although I read a lot, surprisingly I haven't had a chance to read any mermaids books before and I think it's time to rectify that. Excerpts of this one (along with it's cover) is really, really appealing. :)
    Thanks for a chance to win it! :)
