
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Debut of the Month - All About Gilt + Giveaway ( Int'l)

Book Profile

Name - Gilt  (Goodreads)
Author - Katherine Longshore
Genre - Historical
Release Date - 15th May 2012
Available - The Book Depository | Fishpond | The Nile

In the court of King Henry VIII, nothing is free--and love comes at the highest price of all. 

When Kitty Tylney's best friend, Catherine Howard, worms her way into King Henry VIII's heart and brings Kitty to court, she's thrust into a world filled with fabulous gowns, sparkling jewels, and elegant parties. No longer stuck in Cat's shadow, Kitty's now caught between two men--the object of her affection and the object of her desire. But court is also full of secrets, lies, and sordid affairs, and as Kitty witnesses Cat's meteoric rise and fall as queen, she must figure out how to keep being a good friend when the price of telling the truth could literally be her head.
The Insider's Scoop

1.     GILT was originally titled CAT’S SHADOW. This was the most exciting title I could think of. Give me 80,000 words and I'm good, but 1 to 5? No way. My brilliant agent thought of GILT, which suits the book perfectly.

2.     I cut two characters, fifty pages and two years of history from my first draft. That brought total page count down to 450. Then I revised. A lot.  I tend to write long and kill my darlings later.

3.     One of the characters in the book is based on an ex-boyfriend.

4.     I knew from the beginning that the two Catherines in the book would be called Cat and Kitty. Their nicknames suited their characters, and I loved the idea that they were drawn to each other because they had so much in common.  Like, a name.

5.     I love throwing little historical nods and asides into my books. They’re a bit obscure, but make me laugh.


Katherine is giving away a Signed ( and Personalised) Finished copy of Gilt

Rule of Entry -

- International 
- Ends 22nd of June
- Must be 13 or older
- Optional Entries :
   * Leaving comment on either of Katherine's posts +1 each
   * Follow Me on Twitter +1
   * Follow Katherine on Twitter +1
   * Tweeting Giveaway +1
   * Follow Badass Bookie +2

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Aww, I love the time the book takes place. I love historical fiction in general.

  2. Ohh, thank you so much for this awesome giveaway :D I would love love love to win this book. It sounds amazing. :)

  3. AAH! I LOVED Gilt and yes, the name is absolutely perfect! :) Also, I'm dying to know which of the boys was based on one of your ex-boyfriends!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  4. What an interesting person to write a YA novel about. I would love to find out what Katherine did to Catherine's story, in reality it all ended so sadly. Henry VIII is a very fascinating, if cruel and gruesome, historical person.

  5. Gilt sounds awesome!The Insider's scoop has me wanting to read the book even more!

  6. GILTTT! YESS! I LOVEEE HISTORICAL FICTION!<3 hehehehee Thank youuu for this giveaway!

  7. Awesome guess post, Lisa! Just as awesome as you are :D hehe! Sounds like a good book!

  8. Ahhh Gilt sounds absolutely AMAZING. <3 Thank you so much for this giveaway hun! YOU ARE TOO AWESOME FOR WORDS. *glomps* SIGNED AND PERSONALISED? Ma LORDDDDDDD.

    1. ARGH! It didn't record that latest tweet when I entered. >>

      In case that happens to come up when you pick winners:


  9. I'm so excited to read Gilt. I love historical fiction,especially concerning the life of Henry VIII.

  10. i am so excited for a historical fiction book! there are not near enough of those in ya! thanks for the great giveaway : )

  11. i am so excited for a historical fiction book! there are not near enough of those in ya! thanks for the great giveaway : )

  12. I'm so excited for this book - even if historical normally isn't my sort of thing! Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. I really love the cover of this book, also the summary sounds perfect! Can't wait to read it!

  14. Cat and Kitty :) couldn't be a coincidence and sounds exciting:)
    That's it! ex-boyfriends always have an effect on our life bad or good ...but we always remember ;)

  15. I love finding out that you cut characters. That really takes guts!!

  16. Oh, it's fun that her ex-boyfriend became the basis for one of her characters. I like the title Cat's Shadow!

  17. I'm so glad the book is called Gilt instead of Cat's Shadow! I prefer the title Gilt!!

    The cover is gorgeous!!

  18. I am so glad the book was renamed to Gilt. :) You have a great agent! Gilt is such a brilliant book. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  19. SO ADDICTED to Tudor hisfic! This looks FANTASTIC. That's so much!

  20. I love a good historical read! Thanks for the giveaway! =D

  21. thanks for the giveaway

    I love a good historical read

  22. This book looks so great and I'm dying to read a historical fiction! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  23. I wonder which character is based on her ex-boyfriend?....
    I really like a good historical romance, so thanks for this giveaway!

  24. Ever since watching the Tudors I've lived this time period (even if I only watched it cause I'm a shallow fan girl and like Henry Cavill). This book looks brilliant. Thanks for the giveaway.

  25. Sounds good, can't wait to sink my eyes into this.

  26. It must have been very difficult to cut down on all the pages, especially scenes you loved.

    Interesting about naming a character after an ex-boyfriend. I wonder if the character's a good one of an annoying one:)

    Gilt sounds incredible! Thanks so much:)

  27. Cat and Kitty? Interesting. Sounds different for a historical novel. Funny too. :D Thanks for stopping by.

  28. Sounds really interesting thanks for the giveaway !

  29. I love books writtn of this time period. Things were so different then it always makes the story more interesting. This sounds like a good one. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  30. Looks really good.
    Thanks for this.

  31. I love historical fiction coz one of my favorite subjects is history. I think the story is quite interesting too! Thanks for the giveaway.
    -Riz B.

  32. I bet I'll be able to find the ex-boyfriend! XD & I love the two cat names for the characters, they're so cute.

  33. A book about the Tudor dinasty? Definitely on my to-read list! :)
    I was dying to read this book as I'm a huge fan of historical books and especially of the Tudor and the Borgia's dinasty :D
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  34. Thanks for a great post and giveaway! I really love the premise. Definitely adding to my wishlist :)

  35. That book sounds absolutely amazing! And the cover is just to die for :) Love it!

  36. Thanks for all your lovely comments! I love that you're all interested in the mystery of the character based on the ex-boyfriend...

  37. I feel bad for the characters that had to be cut. Does that make me crazy?

  38. Haha. I would think many authors write a lot more than what gets to the final editions. Should be a great book! I love historical fiction.

  39. Gilt sounds a lot more intriguing than Cat's Shadow :P Can't wait to read this novel!

  40. Thank you for the international giveaway. The cover is very pretty!
    Miltiadou Kristia

  41. I loved learning the little tidbits about GILT. I can`t imagine having to cut two characters, fifty pages and two years of history from the book! I imagine that was hard! I`m so interested in reading this one. Thanks for the chance to win it :)

  42. I can't imagine cutting so much from a novel, but I suppose it's necessary so that an average manuscript becomes a GREAT one after deleting extraneous details! I've heard some great things about this book, so I'm interested to see how it reads!

  43. I am really looking forward to reading this book!

  44. Love the insiders scoop, that is brilliant!
    Can't believe how much you had to write and then cut - it must be so difficult doing this!
    Very funny that one of the characters in based on an ex-boyfriend!

  45. I keep hearing amazing things about this book. Hoping to get my hands on this book soon! x) Thank you for the amazing giveaway! :)

  46. I'm so excited to read Gilt!
    Thank you for the amazing giveaway! :D

  47. I like Gilt as a title better too.

  48. What a great giveaway! Thanks for this. :)

  49. I kind of like the title Cat's Shadow. But I have to admit, Gilt is more appealing. I'm also very curious about the ex-boyfriend character. Thanks for giving away a copy, I'm so eager to read this book.

  50. Awesome giveaway, I'm excited to read this book :)

  51. Thank you! I've been wanting to read this for awhile:)

  52. I've been wanting to read GILT ever since I saw the event organized by the wonderful Kathy from A Glass Of Wine, spotlighting all the wives of King Henry VII of England (The Tudor Tuesadays), and I've learned SO MUCH! It was a fascinating experience and made me really excited for Gilt! I would love to have my own copy, and a personalized one at that - this is one of the best giveaways I ever came across! Thank you for the chance!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Tudor Tuesdays, Evie! Kathy did a fantastic job setting that up...

  53. Thanks so much for this giveaway! GBU<3

  54. I love reading about Tudor England. It's such a fascinating period.

  55. Thanks so much for the giveaway, it sounds like a great book.

  56. WOWWW! I had be dying to read this book! Thank you SO SO much for the giveaway! And it is SIGNED! :O *faints*

  57. This book looks pretty cool I'd love to read it!

  58. I LOVE the facts about Gilt! That's great! HAHA! Okay this one I am DYING to get my hands on. So cool! Thanks for featuring and hosting a giveaway! This is one I NEED. ASAP.! Haha. funness!

  59. I'm really looking forward to reading this post! All the reviews I've read so far seem to love it.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  60. Thanks so much for this opportunity! I've had Gilt on my wishlist for ages and I'd love to read it!

  61. Thanks for the giveaway! This book sounds so great!!

  62. Thanks for the giveaway...this was a new one for me so thanks for the heads up and the chance to win. I think the title change was well done. "Gilt" flows much better!

    Stiletto Storytime

  63. i love historical fiction
    ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

  64. I think if I wrote a book, I'd put little "jokes" and things that only certain people would get as well.


  65. I've heard so many great things about this one, can't wait to read it! *fingers crossed* I would love to know who the ex-boyfriend was/is hehe <3

  66. I love historical YA fiction!
    And the cover is so interesting. I definitely was not expecting that summary from the cover.
    Very excited to read this one! Thanks for the giveaway!

  67. I'm a sucker for historicals and Gilt sounds delicious ;) Thanks for the giveaway!

  68. Anything in regards to King Henry VIII and I'm in. Can't wait to read it!

  69. Oooh, historical fiction and I've heard great things about it:)

  70. Awesome giveaway - I've been excited about this book since I heard about it!

  71. ooooo Historical fiction love it >.<

  72. I've been DYING to read Gilt! It sound amazing and look at that gorgeous coveeer! *_* Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  73. It's been so exciting to see all these comments by people who love historical fiction! And to meet so many of you who share my passion for Tudors, especially. Thanks for coming by!

  74. I can’t wait to read this book :)

  75. This book sounds amazing. And the cover is stunning.

  76. Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

  77. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  78. I've never been one to read this genre of book... but EVERYONE is talking nonstop and is loving it... now...
    I'm BEGGING to get it!

  79. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! :)

  80. This book sounds really fantastic! I would love to get a copy :-D Thanks for the giveaway!
