
Monday, January 2, 2012

Day Two - All About Veronica Rossi ( Under the Never Sky)

Debutante Profile

Name - Veronica Rossi
Debut - Under the Never Sky
Genre - Dystopian
Website - HERE
Blog - HERE
Twitter - HERE

Veronica Rossi lives in northern California with her husband and two sons. Her debut novel, UNDER THE NEVER SKY has sold in more than twenty countries worldwide and been optioned by Warner Bros. She writes fiction for young adults and adults who know that being young is possible at any age.And, no, none of the above seems any more real today than a year ago, when it all started happening.

Dream Debutante Dress - If I have to get out of my sweatpants and UGG boots, might as well go for it.

Notes from a YA Debutante

Thanks for including me in this great event, Lisa! It’s an honor to be part of such a talented group of writers and the trip to Australia you threw in the mix was just so generous! ( Note: I could only pay for three tickets so Veronica is travelling in Brodi's suticase..shhhh! :P)

Here are ten random facts about me, in random order of course:

1. I love numbered lists.

2. I started writing seriously eight years ago. UNDER THE NEVER SKY is my third manuscript.

3. I read roughly ten books at a time. They are everywhere in my house.

4. I’ve seen Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark more than twenty times.

5. Whenever I can, I compare things to art or paintings, which usually makes no sense to anyone other than me. For example, “He’s got this skinny, Egon Schiele look to him,” or, “She has a Boticelli face.”

6. I have always named my computers/laptops. My current MacBook Air is named Romeo. The last was named Leo. I don’t know why they all end in “eo.” Maybe the next one will be Galileo? Or Neo? Or Theo?

7. I love rainy days, but not Mondays. I’m not a fan of Mondays at all, and I would like to propose that the entire month of February be done away with. We could move Valentine’s day to March, and no one would miss it. Are you with me?

8. I love being by the ocean but not “in” the ocean. I blame my parents for letting me watch JAWS at an impressionable age.

9. I took archery lessons as part of my research for UTNS. Loved it big time.

10. Regarding my debutante dress, I’m a little iffy about it. I think it’s gorgeous but it doesn’t look as comfortable as my sweat pants. Can I be a debutante in my beat-up UCLA sweat pants?

Bookie's Note - Hi everyone! *waves frantically* Our first debutante Veronica Rossi ( Under the Never Sky) has made herself known to the world! What a beautiful dress, very classy but yes, doesn't look very comfortable :/ Please make her feel welcome by leaving comments and giving shout-outs about her debut! Also, come make tomorrow for a giveaway you don't want to miss and an insider's scoop :P

Badass Bookie xx


  1. w00t w00t!!! welcome!!

    If Val day were in march, it would be on my bday, which makes me feel a little meh lol :P

  2. Great interview, Veronica! Cannot believe your book birthday is tomorrow--so happy for you!

  3. Looking forward to this one! Congrats!

  4. Love the dress darling! Hoping to read Under the Never Sky so bad.

  5. She reads ten books at a time? That fuels my theory that she's not human and born from an extremely talented and intelligent alien race. (I mean really? An ordinary human wrote the genius that is UTNS??. LOL and I love that she names her computers. I need a name for my laptop! AH! Perry?? Or Roar. I kinda love the name Roar though and he IS such a charming boy ;) I am totally going to do that now... Perry or Roar. We'll see!

    Also, she totally could have played Katniss in the THG movie with her badass archery skills <3

    Love her list. Thanks for the post, Lisa and Veronica!!

  6. I could watch Raiders of the Lost Ark over and over and over... :) Great interview! So excited for you, Veronica!

  7. Congrats on the release of your book. Can't wait to read it!

  8. Neo sounds like a good name for a laptop lol, this was an amusing interview, cant wait to read the book!

  9. I just discoved that she's from Brazil too! I feel so proud now :D I can't wait to read this book! That cover is amazing!

  10. That was fun! I'm looking forward to reading Under The Never Sky :D

  11. Haha, I love numbered lists too. And I so want to take archery lessons! I think I will add that to my *list* of things to do in 2012 :)

    Can't wait to read Under the Never Sky!

  12. Love you V! The dress, to die for!!! Can't wait to see more of you V!

  13. haha, I name all of my electronic devices too. My first iPod was named Norman and my current computer is named Mackey. Can't wait for UTNS to come out!!

  14. the dress is so lovely
    i would be very happy to discover your book so thanks you for your generosity and for opening your giveaway to international i really appreciate

    all the best

  15. An awesome start to the event, though, I would throw out January and leave February well enough alone. ; )


  16. I am really looking forward to read this book. It sounds AMAZING!

  17. Welcome to the list of YA authors that we bloggers worship :)

    And ten books? Fun :)

  18. I'm in complete agreement with the dislike for Mondays but I don't mind February. I'm really looking forward to reading Under the Never Sky.

  19. Hi, Veronica! Fun post :) Wow, 10 books at a time. I usually read 3-5 books at a time, so wow for you! I've seen Indiana Jones 1-3 at least 20 times, also! Can't wait to read Under the Never Sky, 'cause it sounds amazing!!!

  20. I love the dress! This book sounds so good, I'm looking forward to reading it! :)

  21. Let me add new names for the laptop! Cameo, Eliseo, Clodoveo, Andreo. Haha

  22. I would never be able to read 10 books at a time, only about 3 at a time:( Congrats on your book's release! I can't wait to read it.

  23. Love the list and can't wait to get started on this book!

  24. I think you just might be a fan of Leonardo diCaprio lol That would explain the -eo's :D And I love this dress!

  25. Congrats on the new book. Like the dress but it's too formal for me.

  26. Great Interview! Totally can't wait to get my hands on UTNS :D That's a gorgeous dress, and wow Archery?? that sounds majorly awesome :P

  27. The more YA books you read the longer you stay long:)

  28. haha I so agree with number 8. I'm extremely affraid of the ocean and not because of sharks and also like rainy days...I think I like you Veronica ;)

    Yes I'm with you with number 7.

  29. That's a pretty dream dress though it's to tight around the legs XD
    Great interview!!!

  30. Great interview!! I love indiana jones and raiders of the lost ark!!

  31. Thanks for the interview!
    Btw, Veronica, the ocean is great! Go get in :)

  32. Wow, Veronica you are so pretty. I could totally imagine you in that gorgeous dress. I love numbered lists too. Who doesn't? And I'm also an Indiana Jones fan :) Definately with you about ditching February, it's such a nothing month. Really looking forward to reading Under the Never Sky.

  33. I'm so excited for Under the Never Sky! I can't wait to read it and love the cover and blurb!

  34. Love the dress=D. So excited for Under the Never Sky. Can't wait :)

  35. I love the random things about Veronica Rossi. It was fun! And it's a nice dress, but it IS true that sweatpants feel more comfortable! I'm really excited about Under the Never Sky!

  36. That's so awesome that Veronica took archery lessons as research for the book. That's cool when any author does this hands-on research rather than just google :P

    I can't wait to get this book. I love dystopian novels, and this one looks awesome!

    Chen Chang

  37. Beautiful dress and loved the random facts:D

  38. The debutante dress is really beautiful! I also name my handphone lol. Wonderful interview. :)

  39. That dress is just amazing *o* Can't wait to have this book!

  40. I'm excited to read Under the Never Sky!

  41. Love your list of interesting facts. I would love to get rid of Mondays - I hate them. Sometimes I feel like I have a week of Mondays. February is OK with me - this is usually our month to have snow days, and as a teacher, I need those. Great interview!!!

  42. I'm so excited to read "Under the never sky"! Was very nice to know a little bit more about Veronica Roth! She is brazilian, like me! =)

  43. Lovely dress! And I totally agree with #7. I wonder if anyone actually loves Mondays :)

  44. thanks you so much
    it was nice to know about you =)

  45. This looks like a great concept! Veronica Rossi seems so nice:)

  46. haha great interview!! though I'm not that into the dress, i prefer less clingy ones :P. Veronica seems pretty great! I am finally ordering my copy of UTNS tomorrow! :D

    - juhina

  47. I can't wait to read this debut! I absolutely love the dress, but as I type this, I am in super comfy sweatpants and Uggs, and loving it. :) Also, I'm learning archery too, it's fun! On step one: get enough arm strength to draw it back. :P

  48. Ironic note here: Anne Hathaway in a dress, Anne Hathaway in a dress on my TV (Princess Diaries)

    I laughed really hard at the idea of getting rid of February!

  49. Wow, Anne and her dress is beautiful! I can't wait for her debut!!:D

  50. Great interview!Lucky O.O You got to take archery lessons :O Can't wait to read your book! :)

  51. Great interview! I love the dress too.

  52. I am dyin' to read this book by Veronica! It seems so amazing xD

  53. I love her comparing people to paintings! I think that's really endearing. I've always thought archery was so awesome and she seems like such an awesome person! Great interview.

  54. Funny interview! And such a shiny dress!

    I'd never understand her art references, unfortunately - I need some serious schooling! I'm thinking I may have to name my computer now too...I've never done that, but it's such a huge thing to my life. Definitely should have a name, right?

    Thanks for sharing, Bookie & Veronica!

  55. lol I love this funny! I love Indiana Jones :-) Can't wait to read UTNS <3

  56. After reading the interview, I can only conclude that Ms. Rossi is an extremely amazing and totally witty person. Gotta love her! <3

  57. Veronica seems to be such an amazing person!

  58. I think the dress is beautiful, but wonder if it's won of those that they use the double sided tape to keep it up in all the right places. Not comfortable. But Anne Hathaway doesn't seem to mind. Since this is a virtual ball you could probably get away with the sweat pants!

    I LOVE Raiders of the Lost Ark! One of my favorite all time movies. I saw it for the first time on the 4th of July in the movie theater. Yeah, I'm that old!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  59. Veronica, you read TEN books at a time?! There's no way my brain could follow that many storylines and not get confused. I think my max is probably three...
    Awesome dress! Though I imagine if she bent over it might, uh, split down the back!!

  60. Awesome dress and looking forward to reading the book!

  61. Great dress! Congrats on the book:) And I'm really looking forward to reading the book:)

  62. Ten. Books. At a time.


    I don't know if my brain could ever handle that! The limit for me is usually like 3 but even that, I rarely do (unless it's one of those ones I've been "reading" for months). Another archery person! :) I do it with my school and it's tons of fun.

    Great list!

  63. A - VERY - belated thanks for all your comments! You guys are awesome. Thanks for the support. And hugs to you, Lisa, for hosting me!
