
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day Twenty Four - All About Brodi Ashton ( Everneath)

Debutante Profile

Name - Brodi Ashton
Debut - Everneath 
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Blog - HERE
Facebook - HERE
Twitter - HERE

Because of two parents who were Greek myth geeks, I grew up thinking the latest fashion trends were inspired by Aphrodite, and a good conversational opener was, “So, which mythological character do you most resemble?” Despite these social shortcomings, I found a great husband who’s always my first reader. We live in Utah with our two young boys, who still have no idea why I'm at the computer all the time.

I received a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Utah and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

Dream Debutante Dress -  I chose this dress because I wore pants to my actual prom, and if I had the chance to do it over again, I'd go all out frill! No subtlety anywhere! 

Notes from a YA Debutante

I’m so excited to be a 2012 Debutante! So I thought I’d make up a list of 10 little known facts about me.

1.     Yes, Brodi is my real name. No, I’m not a boy.
2.     My husband can tell the kind of day I’ve had by the number of empty Diet Coke cans by my computer.
3.     The first book I ever wrote was about an alien who lived in Idaho. EVERNEATH is not that book.
4.     I might be the only person in the world addicted to Good&Plenty.
5.     I have a technique for reading revision letters from my editor that involves several intricate steps, like running around the island in my kitchen and shouting battle cries like “Tally Ho!” and “Vive L’Emerpeur!”
6.     I also have a technique for pouring Diet Coke so it’s perfect, involving several intricate steps like running water over the ice in the cup before I introduce the Diet Coke, thus preserving the integrity of the bubbles.
7.     I have absolutely no technique for cleaning my house or cooking regular dinners.
8.     It’s a good thing my husband didn’t marry me for my technique.
9.     Okay, #8 came out wrong. ( Bookie's NOTE : Bahah)
10.  98% of everything that comes out of my mouth is wrong!

Bookie's Note: Our very last debutante of 2012!!! It's Brodi Ashton and she's awesome!!! I'm sure everyone's heard of Everneath! I mean look at the cover! Honestly, I LOVE your '10 things about me' - you're very funny and I don't pay tis compliment often but you might, MIGHT be funnier than me :P Hehe Everyone, TOMORROW is the last day of the Debutante Event so PLEASE come back for the finale!

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Oh, that's too funny! I love #6, preserving the integrity of the bubbles :D And that is a very nice, frilly dress :) Hi author that must be virtually stalked so we know more about your books :)

  2. number one and number eight are so funny! And I also like the color of the gown, though I can't really judge the design well since the model isn't facing upfront.

    Nice list!! I had fun with it!

  3. LMAO #8 came out wrong....shyeah....aren't all our husbands glad. lol....Adore the dress...that picture definitely highlights it to it's fullest!

  4. Oh my gosh, that girl needs to eat. I can see her bones quite clearly. Is she still alive?

  5. Love the top part of the dress! Just need to make the bottom less fluffy and that would be the perfect dress for me :) Excited to read your book!

  6. The model is so thing, but that dress is AMAZING! Great pick!

  7. oh my gosh that dress is soo fluffy! haha in a good way of course, it's heaps cute, especially the colour...

  8. I LOVE the dress!! my favorite so far, its fabulous! :D

    can't wait to read everneath! already ordered it

    - juhina

  9. WOW! Great dress!

  10. Nice dress, maybe too much fluffy IMO :)Wow pants at your prom, you rule!

  11. So funny, I love it! And I want that dress badly, so pretty!!

    Thanks for sharing!

    PS. I love the name Brodi for a girl. :-D

  12. Love those notes :D And that dress is so gorgeous!

  13. Gah! That dress! I love it!

    And I had to google Good & Plenty bc I didn't know what it was. I recognize the picture, but I've never tried them. I think I'll take your word for it :)

  14. hey No. 6 it's interesting, nice technique :) wow and pants to your prom?? Yeah if we had prom I would have done the same...probably.

  15. Loved this little interview! Very funny :-)Can't wait to read Everneath!

  16. Love the interview. The dress is absolutely stunning!! I am also a big fan of Good & Plenty. I think they are super tasty. :)

  17. hahah I loved it, I get the name thing, mine's Tristan and people always assume I'm a boy before they meet me. That dress is stunning!!
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  18. Great list here. I love it! Sounds like a great book. Glad it's already in my TBR pile! :D

  19. Wow, the dress looks amazing! I wore frilly one to my prom lol! Great interview! :)

  20. LOL number 10 ! XD Oh,how I can relate!
    Number 6. Interesting technique. I'm following ! XD

  21. What a dress! I love it! And the notes. Lol!!! Number 8-9 lmao :D
    Can't wait to read Everneath!

  22. Favorite dress EVER! :D And what a hilarious list. I loled. :) I say a lot of things wrong, and the worst part is, I usually don't realize it until everyone starts laughing.

  23. Ooo, I love the dress :) I will surely love the book too :)

  24. this dress is my favorite up until now! so beautiful, Brodi has really good taste!

  25. HAHHAHAA Love the interview :P and the dress is so gorgeous! kinda reminds me of The Luxe series by Anna Godbersen :)

  26. haha nice list - it was so fun reading it!

  27. Lol, #1. Do you get mad at your parents for it? Haha.

  28. i loved the list! and yes, i believe she might be the only person addicted to good and plenty. LOL!

  29. OMG that dress is just wow!
    very interesting list

  30. I like your Diet Soda pouring technique... I might try it some time. :D

  31. I saw this book at B & N and the cover is so nice! I miss covers with my kindle!

  32. 1. that dress is beautiful
    2. the integrity of the bubbles? Too funny, it reminds me of my best friend who drinks so much diet coke she can tell when it is reaching it's expiration date.
    3. I think you are right with the good and plenty, black licorice=gross.

  33. 6 & 8 was really funny! HAHAHAHAHA! I love the cover sooooo much!!

  34. Brodi seems a really funny person and I'm sure that her books are so funny, too. I'm too curious about her first book about aliens :P
    The dress is amazing, I'm worldless

  35. I totally agree with #7 I have no talent in those areas either.

  36. Best 10 Things About Me I've read so far!!!! :D

  37. "The integrity of the bubbles" That's is the most important thing! Finally found another person who cares for the bubbles in a coke! Thank GOD! HA! Beautiful dress!

  38. I love the diet coke office can usually tell what kind of day I am having by how often I have gone to the kitchen to refill my glass of coke. :)


  39. OMG THE DRESSS!!! OFJGERGL; ERFW,FEFR F SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!! We should have a ball together <3

  40. That dress is absolutely amazing!!!

    Sara upon a love story

  41. I love that dress, and Brodi is hilarious! I loved her comment about her husband not marrying her for her technique. Haha.

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

  42. Hahaha! :D I loved the 10 facts! Plus that dress is amazing!

  43. I love that dress, also loved the facts

  44. OMG! Love this post! The dress is to die for!
