
Friday, January 13, 2012

Day Thirteen - All About Incarnate + Giveaway!

Book Profile

Name - Incarnate ( Goodreads )
Author - Jodi Meadows
Genre - Dystopian/ Fantasy
Release Date - 31st January 2012
Available - The Book Depository

Ana is new. For thousands of years in Range, a million souls have been reincarnated over and over, keeping their memories and experiences from previous lifetimes. When Ana was born, another soul vanished, and no one knows why. 

Even Ana’s own mother thinks she’s a nosoul, an omen of worse things to come, and has kept her away from society. To escape her seclusion and learn whether she’ll be reincarnated, Ana travels to the city of Heart, but its citizens are suspicious and afraid of what her presence means. When dragons and sylph attack the city, is Ana to blame? 

Sam believes Ana’s new soul is good and worthwhile. When he stands up for her, their relationship blooms. But can he love someone who may live only once, and will Ana’s enemies—human and creature alike—let them be together? Ana needs to uncover the mistake that gave her someone else’s life, but will her quest threaten the peace of Heart and destroy the promise of reincarnation for all?

The Insider's Scoop

My original note for INCARNATE is dated July 2006.

I started writing INCARNATE November 1, 2009.

What the heck was I doing for those three years? I wrote other things, of course! I knew INCARNATE was a book I really, really wanted to write, because the idea of everyone being reincarnated except one person was fascinating to me. I loved thinking about what a world like that might be like, what the people might be like. But man, it was an intimidating idea!

So I put it aside for three years. Lots of things happened in the meantime! I learned a ton about myself as a writer, what I wanted from the business, and more writing skills in general.

Around September 2009, I was in a writing place where I was so frustrated and downhearted that I told myself I was going to stop even trying to write for publication. I was just going to write for myself, and write the thing that mattered to me. I pulled out a bunch of old ideas and started fleshing out those premises. INCARNATE was one of them -- and the one that captivated me the most.

I spent all of October worldbuilding, plotting, making detailed notes on the society and how it might have evolved, given the circumstances. It was intense, and the first time I'd done that much up-front work on a book, but it was invaluable.

Eventually I had enough notes and plot that I couldn't stand not writing the book. I slaved over the keyboard for 9 hours a day (just like a real job!) for two months and finally had a draft of the book I'd been wanting to write for three years. A few months after that, an agent signed me. And a few months after that, an editor bought the whole trilogy.

What should we take away from this? Patience.

Writing is not a fast process. Ideas can simmer for years before they're ready. But INCARNATE was worth the time, effort, and tears; I wouldn't change a thing.


Jodi has generously offered ONE (1) Pre-order of Incarnate to a lucky reader! This giveaway is open to everyone who Book Depository ships to! Rules of Entry are stated below, please read them and then fill out form. Show support by promoting the giveaway and leaving a comment!

Rule of Entry -

- International
- Ends 13th of February
- Must be 13 or older
- Optional Entries :
   * Leaving comment on either of Jodi's posts +1 each
   * Tweeting Giveaway +1
   * Putting Giveaway on Sidebar +2
   * Follow Badass Bookie +2
   * Placing 2012 Debutante Event Button on blog +3

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Badass Bookie xx


  1. the cover is enough to attract me into buying this book. the story just makes it more "attractive".
    thanks for the giveaway! =)

  2. This looks like such a fabulous book and that cover....*dies* Lord, is it ever beautiful.
    Thank-you so much for the chance to win

    Rachel @ The Rest Is Still Unwritten

  3. The blurb sounds sooo amazing <3 (Although I don't know if I want to be reincarnated over and over again :S)
    Thank you for the giveaway :D

  4. I loooovveee Incarnate's cover! It's so prety and of course I love the summary! It's so intriguing! Thank you for the giveaway!

  5. The cover just blew me away! I can't wait until Incarnate is released. Good luck, Jodi! :)

  6. Ooh, thank you Lisa and thank you Jodi for this giveaway! I'd love this pretty book on my shelf!

  7. id really want to read this book. thanks for this giveaway =)

  8. This sounds like an amazing books, thanks for the giveaway. I love Incarnate's cover! :)

  9. This book is on my wishlist just because of that stunning cover but the story seems so interesting that I'm even more excite now to read it!
    Thanks a lot for the International giveaway.

  10. Fabulous insider's scoop. Definitely an important lesson for any writer to learn and understand. I cannot wait for this book either!

    Welcome to the Debs, Jodi!

  11. Oh I love the cover its so gorgeous it looks kinda like Exiled by RaShelle Workman :D

  12. I heard so many good things about this book, plus the cover is gorgeous - count me in :-)!

  13. I really want to read this. It sounds really unique. Thanks for the giveaway.

  14. I really have been wanting to read this. I am officially jealous with people who already have the ARC :P

  15. Awesome cover! Awesome story! It would become more awesome if I could get an ARC copy of this booookk!!!!

  16. Thank you for this amazing giveaway! There's no way to show my love to this cover! <3

  17. You mean we could have had this 3 years sooner?? Just kidding ;) It probably wouldn't have been the same book then.
    Thank you very much for the giveaway! I'm dying to read Incarnate ever since the cover caught my eye and I read the summary and went: WANT!!

  18. Thank you Jodi for the international giveaway. I've heard this books is amazing and the cover is gorgeous.

  19. Thanks so much for the chance, I cant wait for this to come out!!

  20. Thanks for sharing your writing process. I know that writing is not a fast process from posts like this one from other authors & although sometimes I can't wait for a book & I might be disappointed when the publishing date will be delayed, in the end I don't mind waiting if that will bring an amazing book & the waiting will be worth it! I can't wait to read Incarnate, so thanks for the opportunity to win :)

  21. I've wanted to read this book since I first heard about it on Jodi's blog, when it was Erin Incarnate! I can't wait!

  22. I've heard very good things about this book :)

  23. I am so excited for Incarnate - I have heard wonderful things and I love the concept!

  24. Incarnate's cover is stuck in my head.

  25. I've heard so many awesome things about this book! I love the cover--so gorgeous.

  26. I LOVE the sound of this book 0 can't until it's out! :)

  27. The cover definitely stands out to me. Amazing!

  28. I think worldbuilding is very, very important in certain novels and unfortunately some of the worldbuilding especially in YA novels is not really up to scratch. So am am glad to see Jodi puts an emphasis on it and I look forward to reading the book.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  29. Thanks for the chance to win! I've been really intrigued by this book for awhile now. :D

  30. I love love LOVE the cover of this book. Thank you for another awesome giveaway! :D

  31. Thanks for your hard work, Jodi! I’m just as sure it will be a blast reading it :)

  32. The cover is gorgeous, but I am really interested in this because I hear great things about Sam;)

  33. Love the cover and the synopsis, can't wait to read it. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome-looking book.

  34. Wow such an arduous process in writing a book. The concept of the story sounds really interesting.

  35. glowing cover! I've been reading reviews about it and am very curious!

  36. I can't stop watching this book, it's amazing!

  37. i love the cover, she catch the eyes very easily

    thanks you for the international giveaway

    all the best

  38. i love this cover!! and after reading the synopsis i can't wait to read this book!!

  39. I don't mean to sound like a broken record player,but I love this cover too! It's so pretty! And, the synopsis for this story sounds awesome. I'd love an opportunity to win this book!

  40. This book is so pretty looking!!!

  41. I've heard nothing but good things about this and how I will fall so hard.

  42. Jodi is such an amazing person! Would love to read her book!

  43. I completely agree that ideas should never be forced into becoming a full story before they are ready. Everything in its own time.

    Thanks for the chance!

  44. This cover just blows me away every time I see it!

    Thanks for this.

  45. Sounds really interesting, and I love the cover :)

  46. Thanks for the giveaway! Love that cool cover, can't wait to read it :)

  47. Thank you so much for the giveaway! :)

  48. Wow, the cover is so pretty with the butterfly and the red on one side and the blue on the other, and Incarnate just sounds great! With the reincarnation, and love, sounds really great! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  49. I am so inspired by this post. Keep going, and write for yourself.
    Thanks for the giveaway, and the words of encouragement!

  50. I literally just finished reading the Netgalley copy of this book. I was completely blown away and wholeheartedly agree that it was worth the wait. I'm already looking forward to adding a copy to my already over-flowing bookshelves.

  51. I actually couldn't wait for this book! I'm drooling over the cover!

  52. I've read a lot of good things about this book. And it has a wonderful cover to boot.
    I'm excited for this book.

    Thank you so much for this giveaway! :)

  53. Thank you so much for this giveaway!! I am really looking forward to this book!! There has been so many wonderful things said about Incarnate it would be hard to not look forward to it.

  54. The cover is gorgeous! It is based on a very unique idea too. I'd really love to read this one!

  55. Must. Read. Pulled. In. By. Cover. Alone!


    Must Have the Shiny! (thank you!)

  56. LOVE THE COVER! Must. read. I can't wait! Thanks for the chance to win!

  57. I've been following this book on goodreads and the cover is def what drew my attention. love the contest yeeaah free books :)

  58. The cover is gorgeous! Would love to get my hands on this

  59. Thanks for the giveaway! I really want to read this one! :D

    Angie @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  60. Thanks for the giveaway!love the cover!!

  61. Thanks so much for this giveaway- I've been dying to get my hands on this book- sounds amazing, and I want that gorgeously pretty cover on my bookshelf!

  62. I can't even remember how many times I have tried to win this book! I can't wait to read it! Thanks for the chance to win.

  63. The cover of this book is beautiful!!!

    - juhina

  64. Thanks heaps for this giveaway! INCARNATE is one of my most anticipated reads of 2012! Can't wait!

  65. wow, i am absolutely stunned by the cover! thanks for the giveaway!

  66. I love the cover! and the book sounds really good.
    thanks for the giveaway!

  67. B-E-A-Utiful cover!! Can't wait to read it!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  68. I love the cover, thanks for the giveaway!

  69. I love the cover and I've been dying to read Incarnate i hears its amazing!

  70. this book sounds so awesome, and the cover looks so awesome too! Can't wait to read it, thanks for the giveaway!

  71. WOW that's really cool how with a difference of THREE years you developed one idea! very inspiring :) Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  72. I'm so glad you wrote for yourself and didn't throw it away. It only took three years and a few months right? Sounds like that month of prep work was intense but the deciding factor! Gives me hope!! Thanks for the giveaway!!


  73. I just cant wait to read this one!

  74. Thanks for this amazing international giveaway!

  75. Incarnate sounds amazing and the cover is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. Thanks for the giveaway!!:) i really want to read this book aaaaand the cover looks amazing:)

  77. Aw, it's great that it turned out how you wanted :). Being patient is definitely important. The best things comes to those who wait! :P Thanks for the giveaway :).

  78. Good for her. I definitely think people should write what they're most interested in, for them. Not that publication can't be a goal as well :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  79. I really do love this post . . .and "Writing is not a fast process. Ideas can simmer for years before they're ready." is something I probably need to keep in mind myself :)

  80. Love the book cover. This book is on my TBR list. Can't wait to read. Thanks for this great giveaway!

  81. Amazing giveaway! Thanks so much! I really want to read this book :)

  82. Thank you for the giveaway :) Incarnate looks so good!

  83. I'm looking forward to this one lots--thanks for the giveaway!

  84. The cover is gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!

  85. I'm more and more intrigued by this one, thanks for hosting!! :)

  86. This books took a lot of patience and hard work to the writer, so I really want to read it.
    Thanks for the giveaway

  87. This is another book that I've been hearing about everywhere, can't wait to get my hands on it!!

  88. amazing cover! thank you for giveaway!

  89. The cover it's amazing, yeah!! but most important the history sound AMAZING!!
