
Monday, January 16, 2012

Day Sixteen - All About Robin Bridges ( The Gathering Storm)

Debutante Profile

Name - Robin Bridges 
Debut - The Gathering Storm
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Website - HERE
Blog - HERE
Twitter - HERE

By day, Robin is a mild-mannered writer of fantasy and paranormal fiction for young adults. By night, she is a pediatric nurse. Robin lives on the Gulf Coast with her husband, one soon-to-be teenager, and two slobbery Mastiffs. She likes playing video games and watching Jane Austen movies. (Alas, if only there were a Jane Austen video game…) THE GATHERING STORM is her first novel.
Dream Debutante Dress - Ohhh vintage and it's such a brilliant red. Great taste, if I ever debut - I would pick a red dress too! ;)

(Painting of Empress Marie Feodorovna, 1894 by Francois Flameng courtesy of the Grand Ladies website.)

Notes from a YA Debutante

All About Robin Bridges:
 1. Robin is not a duchess. (But her grandmother used to call her the Barefoot Contessa when she was younger.)
2. Robin is not Russian, although her great-grandfather did escape from Russia in the back of a hay wagon.
3. Robin cannot read tarot cards, but likes to collect tarot decks anyway.
4. Robin is not a necromancer. (But she does know CPR.)
5. Robin does not speak Russian. (But she learned how to cuss in French from her mother.)
6. Robin thinks it’s creepy when people talk about themselves in third person, but that’s okay because she wrote a book that’s kinda creepy. 
7. Robin likes it when people follow her on Twitter or visit her website and Goodreads page.


Bookie's Note: Give it up for the other half of Robin Squared ( which is what I have taken up to call Robin and Robin :P). I'm *really* surprised that you aren't Russian! Which means a whole heap of research must have gone into the writing of The Gathering Storm. *High five* for knowing CPR, maybe one day you can save a life ;) Again, come back tomorrow for the next half of Robin's epic debut! :) 

Badass Bookie xx


  1. I think it's amazing that Robin isn't Russian yet she's written this book anyway. Such an amazing thing to do, not like writing any other novel!

    As for that Jane Austen video game...I'm all for it!!

  2. Looking forward to the rest of Robin's debut. I can't wait to read her book.

  3. Haha love the 7 points!! Cant wait for this to come out, since Ive heard about it Ive wanted it!!

  4. "4. Robin is not a necromancer."


    Really excited to read this one!

  5. Haha, I LOVE the 7 points about Robin! AND THE DRESS <333 Now I wish I lived back in the late 19th Century/early 20th Century!

  6. I agree! There must be some serious research put into writing this book.

  7. I was half laughing with the notes from YA debutante baah! xD love the dream debutante dress looks like an awesome dress to wear on a debut!

  8. That dress is really beautiful! And I agree about #6 :D

  9. I totally agree with the sixth statement. I also think it's creepy when a person calls himself/herself using the third person. And pretty dress!

  10. Ah, beautiful color on that dress! <3 And I totally love these extra author facts. Thanks for posting them!

  11. I love that dress. I used to wear red dresses to all the dances - except this one where I wore silver - but it was a Winter formal.

  12. OH i heart that dress... Red is one of my fave colorss

  13. Really is a great dress.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  14. The setting is very original!

  15. Really excited to read this one! cool post

  16. That is a great dress :) Nice facts, too, especially the escape :) Pleased to virtually meet another debut author :)

  17. Awesome dress, and I can't decide if a Jane Austen video game would be really bad or really good lol.

  18. I like the part that she can cuss in french due to her mom. Hilarious!
    Cute post. :)

  19. Looking forward to your book, it sounds like such a good read! :)

  20. I love Point #4! I guess CPR is as close to Necromancy as normal, non spiritually-inclined people can get.

    Nice dress choice! :) Welcome to the Debs.

  21. I adore this book. I will def be following this tour :)

  22. Same here, I cannot read tarot cards but I'm drawn to all tarot cards just because I love the art work. Haha

  23. HAHA! "she learned how to cuss in French from her mother" I'm wondering if you can teach me ;D Congratz! Looking forward to your book!

  24. I am a HUGE vintage fan! I am looking for a vintage dress for my prom :P

  25. Russian history has so many interesting points!! I would love to speak Russian (I hear it's one of the hardest to learn) but I would take french cuss words for back up lol. Love all the little facts!!

  26. Wow beautiful dress would love to read this. Also I have this thing about collecting tarot decks as well :)

  27. Thanks for this fun bio.
    Jane Austen is the best, tarot cards are fun :) And I love vintage too:)
    Looking forward to read The Gathering Storm.

  28. collecting tarot cards... now that's a great idea! :)

  29. haha love those tidbits of info about you!! :P

    - juhina

  30. That dress is so classy! ahah she is not a necromancer xD really funny :D

  31. Lovely dress! It'd certainly suit a Barefoot Contessa! ;-)

    Thanks for sharing!

  32. I love Austen, too and have always wanted a Mastiff. The book sounds great and the cover is awesome.

  33. interesting dress but i couldn't wear it

    all the best

  34. That dress is totally gorgeous! love the red :) *SIGH* all the debutante dresses are making me very VERY jealous. Great Interview! Must have been hard looking up all that Russian history!

  35. Haha those were some fun 7 points! Taking in third person is pretty funny :D

  36. This sounds like a fantastic read! I love point six, lol made me laugh.

  37. I love the dress! I always love vintage dress. Thanks for the sharing! :D

  38. I love red dresses, I think I would wear it if I had to partecipate at a Debute Event, too. I really admire that she's working as a pediatric nurse,I think it's an hard work!! I love dogs and Mastiffs are awesome ( I have a Pittbull :D)

  39. I learned CRP too!! :D High five! From all the Debutant dresses i have seen, so far this is my favorite! I really REALLY want to read The Gathering Storm! I always want to read and learn more about Rusia!!

  40. I'm so excited to read The Gathering Storm!

  41. This is all so interesting! I'm definitely looking forward reading it!

  42. No. 6 was just funny. Love this post!

    Fara @ Tumbling In Books
