
Monday, November 28, 2011

An Important Message

Hey Guys,

Kylie here, Lisa asked me to quickly leave a message for you all. Her family decided to take a holiday for six weeks in China and the Chinese government has actually put a block on the blogger website. This is much to Lisa's dismay as she had insisted her family choose to holidays in Bali or even take a beautiful and relaxing cruise.

Due to this situation, Lisa has postponed the 2012 Debutante Event. On January 1st the very first post will go live and from then on things will be back to normal. Until then, things will be a little quite here at the Badass Bookie.

I am sure you all understand that this is something that couldn't be helped. Lisa will be back in no time at all, with many fabulous stories of her travels as well as the awesome event that is the 2012 Debutante Event.

If you have any questions or concerns, Lisa can be contacted on her email ( callmeghostgirl @ yahoo . com . au ). Unfortunately the Chinese Government have also blocked Twitter. She assures me she plans to shop A LOT to make up for her lack of Internet happiness hehe.

Thanks for your understanding guys,
Have a great holiday period and stay safe.

- Kylie (on behalf of Lisa the Badass Bookie)


  1. Noo! Lisa!
    I'm going to miss your awesomeness for SIX WHOLE WEEKS?! :(
    But otherwise, have a most amazing time!! China will be wonderful I'm sure so enjoy, and go find some cool YA over there for us to enjoy!

  2. Have a great vacation and see you in the new year! :)

  3. Hope you enjoy your holiday! There are actually ways around this blockage (when I went back, I was able to go on blogger/twitter etc.) Yes,yes GO SHOPPING!!! Take advantage of the bargains ;P
    Have fun!

  4. Whoa.... I knew China was full on with their internet restrictions, but that takes it to a new level. You basically can't communicate to the outside world.... it's like a dystopian in real life! :(

    Don't stress Lisa, enjoy your holiday - buy lots of awesome things!! xx

  5. Love that Eliot quote at the front of your blog. Deep.
