
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Debut of the Month - All About Virtuosity + Giveaway

Book Profile

Name - Virtuosity
Author - Jessica Martinez
Genre - Contemporary
Release Date - 18th of October 2011 ( today!)
Available - The Book Depository

Now is not the time for Carmen to fall in love. And Jeremy is hands-down the wrong guy for her to fall for. He is infuriating, arrogant, and the only person who can stand in the way of Carmen getting the one thing she wants most: to win the prestigious Guarneri competition. Carmen's whole life is violin, and until she met Jeremy, her whole focus was winning. But what if Jeremy isn't just hot...what if Jeremy is better?

Carmen knows that kissing Jeremy can't end well, but she just can't stay away. Nobody else understands her--and riles her up--like he does. Still, she can't trust him with her biggest secret: She is so desperate to win she takes anti-anxiety drugs to perform, and what started as an easy fix has become a hungry addiction. Carmen is sick of not feeling anything on stage and even more sick of always doing what she’s told, doing what's expected.

Sometimes, being on top just means you have a long way to fall...

Insider's Scoop

Author’s Secrets: All About Jeremy

1. Initially, Virtuosity wasn’t really a romance. That evolved in the rewrites—and there were many! Jeremy was always in the story, but in the first version, he was exactly what Carmen’s mother warned her he might be.

2. Jeremy was named after Anne of Green Gables’ oldest son, Jeremy Blythe. He went by Jem in the books, and I may have fallen in love with him at some point.

3. Without getting spoilery, there’s a scene that takes place in Jeremy’s hotel room between Carmen and Jeremy. I went into that scene not knowing what was going to happen. Other surprises in the book were planned from the beginning, but in that moment I was honestly worried about what was going to occur in that room and if they could ever recover from it.

4. Jeremy has a secret love for jazz. In college I had a friend (a violist) who played jazz piano, and it almost made me think of him as more than a friend. Almost.

5. Jeremy looks like a violinist I knew as a teenager. We never had a thing either, but I thought he was pretty cute. It’s been fifteen years and I think that’s the first time I’ve admitted that out loud. Nobody tell him.


Jessica has kindly offered ONE (1) Finished Copy of Virtuosity for a US Winner! Sorry to my international readers ( look out for a int'l giveaway later today!) but it was a publisher's request! Remember to leave a meaniful comment on this post or Jessica's first post ( compulsory). Thank-you!

Rules of Entry -

Ends 10th of November
Must leave a meaniful comment on this post or Jessica's first post
Must be 13 years or older
Must fill out this FORM

Badass Bookie xx


  1. I'm glad it turned into a romance, because from what I've heard, Jeremy and Carmen are awesome and realistic together =)

  2. It's always interesting to hear how a story becomes drastically different from the first draft to the published story! I haven't read the book, but it's nice to see romance there since I like romances in books I read :)

  3. See now I want to read this to learn more about Jeremy. Usually my favorite books involve a female character that I want to be BFF with and a male character that I want to date.

  4. I love how you had to evolve with the book. I often find that the best books are ones that had to change over time. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Loved learning more about Jeremy! and thats interesting on the hotel bedroom scene ;-)

  6. i can't wait to read this. it looks really interesting. love #5!

  7. Can't wait to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Thanks so much for this giveaway! I've heard so much about this book and I've wanted to read it for a while now. It sounds absolutely fantastic!

  9. LOVE this book! It's great to know some of the behind the scenes stuff now I've read it :) Really cool Jeremy's named after Jem in Anne of Green Gables! Love that series :D

  10. I would love to read this book :) Thanks for the chance! Jr=em seems interesting btw ;D

  11. This book looks so interesting! I can't wait to read it! <3

  12. I think it is really interesting to know how a book evolves from start to finish. Really can't wait to read this book!:)

  13. would love to read more about jeremy thanks for the giveaway

  14. I LOVED this book a lot. So very much. Unfortunately, I read it through galley grab, so I no longer have it to read. A hard copy of it would be so great!

    At first, there was no romance?! D: Well, I'm so glad she put that in there because without it, it wouldn't feel complete.

  15. I really, really want to read this! It sounds amazing and I'm a musical person, so I love to read books that involve musicians and music in some form. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Liza @ Book Crook Liza

  16. This is one of those books I've heard a lot of good things about, and I'm always on the lookout for good music related books to hook my students who are into music.

  17. I don't know why, but I'm really drawn to books where the main character is involved in something competitive (music, dance, sports ect). This sounds like an amazing read, and I'm so glad that the author decided to create a romance in the book--that always adds to the reading experience, IMO :)

  18. It was fun learning more about jeremy, would love to read this
