
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Winter's Shadow

Review Time! So I know all I have been posting lately are reviews but I'm seriously behind on them and it's killing me to see the review stack grow higher and higher. This will be my fifth consecutive review BUT tomorrow starts Debut of the Month and to make it up to you guys, I have two Debut Authors and NINE (9) books to giveaway! Thanks to Pan Macmillan for the review copy!

(Goodreads) Blake Duchamp... He's all that Winter Adams can think of. Ever since their fateful meeting at Pilgrim's Lament. Ever since he looked at her with those emerald eyes. Ever since he saved her life.

But Blake isn't all that he seems. There is a strangeness about him, something dark and otherworldly. Something dangerous. In his attic is a secret he would kill to defend, but Winter seems to have a special ability to make him forget his duty. And he is her only protection against the gathering darkness.

The only problem is, to protect Winter, Blake must risk exposing her to an even greater danger. Himself

The Short Story ? - A remarkable debut! An original paranormal romance that will leave your heart aching for more. Beautifully written, a dark and captivating plot and fantastic characters that you will grow to love! M.J.'s debut is a master piece that will stay with you long after the last page! A paranormal romance you wouldn't want to miss!

The Long Story ? - Can I point out the M.J. is a guy? And that he's written Winter's Shadow from the perspective of a girl? To add that he's actually written a decent novel, fantastic actually! I'm quite biast in thinking that guys can't write well in perspectives of girls but M.J. has definitely proved me wrong! Not only is his novel captivating but the words he puts to paper are simply wonderful, enticing and makes you want to read on and on. He has a great YA voice and a unique writing style that is  very memorable. I actually though M.J. was a girl to begin with! ( Yes, that's just how ninja skilled he is)

While the blurb might suggest something along the lines of Twilight, I really couldn't make the connection and I'm always looking for flaws in novels. Yes, the novel has the 'love at first sight with the paranormal twist' element but Blake is definitely not a vampire and  I personally liked the romance in Winter's Shadow better than Twilight. However the romance is still developing and I would like to see where Winter and Blake's passionate, undeniable love for each other goes in the sequel. It's a rather slow paced novel but it's got a nice flow to it ( not boring though) and to an extent quite normal. Contemporary lovers might find this one in their taste.

The characters were well developed. Just to clear thing's up, Winter is actually our protagonist. Blake is the love of her life and hides a dark secret, brownie points for M.J. for picking something paranormal that hasn't been written about. I actually grew to like Winter very much, she's sweet and brave but more than anything she's real, she's believable. A nice cast of minor characters, some who annoyedme while others I found entertaining.

Winter's Shadow is a romance you wouldn't want to miss! Dark, haunting and beautiful, it's unforgettable and amazing! A fresh take on the paranormal, a guy writing as a girl and a romance that gives love a whole new meaning! A remarkable debut! M.J. is Australian too :P

Rating - 5/5

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Another medal for the Aussies! We are owning it in YA. hehe.

  2. Ooh that sounds interesting! Will have to add it to my list, that grows longer as my TBR pile grows higher!! Nice review!

    Jessica@a GREAT read

  3. Thanks for the great review Lisa!
    You made me blush.

  4. I recently read this book and let me tell you, I couldn't put it down! Walking to work with a book in your hand can be a tricky feat!

  5. 'Passionate, undeniable love' made me LOL. Hmm, I found it hit way too close to Twilight and I really hated that. >.<

  6. Who doesn't love a paranormal romance? From your review, I can't wait to get my hands on this one. The colors on the cover are awesome, too!

  7. I haven't read this yet, so I'm reading reviews for it. So far, I've read good reviews so I'm thinking on reading it. But maybe I'll find about it more.

  8. I've been wanting to read this novel since I first read the summary of it. And now your review made me want it even more. :D Too bad it's so hard available for international readers. Although a friend is currently in Australia, so maybe I should tell him to get a copy for me. :D

    Thanks for sharing your opinion!


  9. It's great to see a guy writing from a girls perspective. :)

  10. Great review! Glad you liked it :)

  11. Awesome review! I can't wait to read this :o)

    Mickey @ imabookshark

  12. Wow, the review is great and the book souns really really good.
    Can I point out that I love the cover?! The hair of the girl is so pretty!!!
    Yes, sorry... I like weird hair colors xD

    Anyway, loved your review! Hugs,

    GFC: Alexandra Roxana Garcia

  13. heard a lot about this book but havent got the chance to read it yet. thanks for the review.. learned something =)

  14. sounds really good!!! I'd never heard of it before i saw your blog so thanks for this! :)

  15. When I read the blurb, I thought it would be taken from Blake's point of view.
    I wish I can read this book

  16. This sounds very interesting! The title seems to fit with the description perfectly.

  17. I love reading paranormal! The book seems great! I haven't read any book written by a guy but writing as a girl. I think man cannot portray a girl well, I mean writing as a point-of-view of a girl. But it seems M.J. did it well! I really have to read this. Great review! :D

  18. Great review. I will like to read this book sound interesting.

  19. Wow! Can't wait to read! Great review (:

    Hikari @ Imaginary Reads

  20. The fact that the writer is man is what captured my attention after the gorgeous cover!
    Nice review :)

  21. Totally added to my TBR list. I can't wait to read this. :)


  22. Sounds good and I love the cover! This is on my wishlist can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

  23. Seriously, after reading this review, I'm dying to read the book. I mean, it was already on my list. Eek!

    I love that point about the male author. I find that in paranormal especially, it's dominated by females. Not that I have a problem with that, of course. I'm interested to see how the author portrays a female MC :) Thanks for the review!

  24. I definitely need to add this to my TBR list!

  25. I bet it was impossible for him to get into the mentality of a girl, that itself impresses me, so on my TBR list now!

  26. I really like cover of this book. Thank you for this interview :)

  27. OMG THE COVER ALONE! *__________________*

    Thanks for sharing! =)

  28. Woops, didn't comment with Google xD Sorry.

  29. wow... an Australia author :D
    The cover looks amazing!
    i can't wait to read the book!

  30. Sounds amazing!!! I've been wanting to read this novel since I first read about it and you just made me want it even more!! Can't wait to read it ^^

  31. I want this book! Ever since I discovered it, I can't wait to get my hands on it!

  32. Amazing that a male author was able to get inside the head of teenage girl! This makes me even more curious to read this book! I can't wait!!

  33. Wow this sounds amazing and I love that cover.

  34. This sounds great and the cover.... LOVE IT!! Great review!!

  35. Really interesting, looking forward to reading it!

  36. I always find it interesting when a book is written by a man but from the perspective of a woman. Shows the talent of the writer I think. I would love to read this!


  37. Wonderful review - I would love to read this book.

  38. Oh my, 5 stars! I'm officially adding this to my wish list. Thanks for your awesome review!

  39. This sounds like such a great read. I'm always looking forward to new types of paranormal stories! I'm also surprised to learn that MJ Hearle is a guy, but then again the first two initials don't tell us anything. That he's written a convincing novel from a girl's POV makes me more excited to read this :D

    Thanks for the review!

  40. I love that this is a paranormal romance written by a guy! I've really been wanting to read this one - haven't read many Aussie books before :)

  41. I already have this book on my TBR list but you've made me move it up near the top! Thanks for a great review :)

  42. This book sounds amazing! I can't believe I haven't heard of it until now. Adding it to my TBR list immediately.

  43. i agree with the above comment, the cover really does make the book look interesting. haha thanks for the review, looking forward to reading this book too :)

  44. Ooo this sounds interesting. Great review :) the cover is beautiful too!

  45. i'm so glad its not a twilight clone! this looks amazing!

  46. It's awesome to see an Aussie not only writing in this genre, but also getting attention. Finally! I'm piques my interest that it's a male writing a female's perspective.

    Of course, it's also always refreshing that the paranormal element of the story isn't a vampire.

  47. awesome, the book is wriiten by an aussie, cant wait.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Sorry for deleting the previous (little sister)i said - i see the book for the first time and it´s awsome ;) sorry, but my english is very bad :D

  50. Great!
    Another book on my LONG TBR pile :P

  51. This book looks pretty amazing..............................

  52. I love the cover, I love her red hair! Ugh super jealous(:
    You really made me want to read this book! Again thanks for the giveaway!

  53. Thanks for a great review! I always have my eye out for an original paranormal story :)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  54. This book sounds so good! I really hope they publish it in the US in the future.

  55. Okay, I first heard of this book yesterday and fate would have it that you're giving it away right now. Crazy, but I'm quite pleased about it. As if I wasn't eager enough already, your review makes me wish I could take a little jaunt to Australia to pick this one up. Luckily, I did find an e-book for sale on one of the Aussie sites, so if I don't win, I'll be buying it soon. Great review! I'm happy to see that Winter's Shadow tackles something new within the paranormal realm.

  56. This sounds so good thank you so much for the great review! I will have to add to my read list. I also love the cover very nice.

  57. Thank you for the wonderful review - I had not heard of this book before seeing on your site and I would love to read it.

  58. The cover is absolutely great! And your great review made me realise I HAVE to read it! :)

  59. Thanks for sharing your review. Sounds like a pretty good book.

  60. another Aussie book to read. Lovely! the story is intriguing, looks like a haunting good read. I'd love to read this one.

  61. Thanks for sharing that the author isn't actually a girl! That was surprising. Now I would want to read this book even more, since you said he wrote convincingly the POV of a girl.

  62. Nice review. I think i will read it! (:
