
Sunday, May 8, 2011

In My Mailbox #27

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, it's where we all show the bookish contents of our mailbox! This week would be my week of EPICNESS, best books ever ;) I write IMM every two weeks so this is a two week hurl!

For Review -

Where She Went by Gayle Forman
You Against Me by Jenny Downham
Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr
What Happened to Goodye by Sarah Dessen
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Morganville Vampires 4-10 by Rachel Caine

( Thanks to Harpercollins, Random House and Peguin!)

Won -

Tyger Tyger by Kiersten Hamilton

( Thanks to Cindy @ Princess Bookie )

Gift -

SIGNED ARC of Strings Attached by Judy Blundall

( Thanks to Nancy @ Ravenous Reader . I was tweeting how there wasn't enough contest offering String's Attached and Nancy, tweeted me that she had an extra copy she wouldn't mind sending to me!!! Thank-you so so so so so much Nancy :P)

Also Received -

- Some Morganville Vampires Swag from Breakfast with Rachel
- Forgotten by Cat Patrick Post-It Notes

( Thanks to Jen @ Egmont who sent me four, instead of just one!!! and Rachel for her awesome swag!)

Badass Bookie xx


  1. o0o0o0o so many pretty things *drools* I might need to do IMMB ever 2nd week as well. So I can do a diff meme every alternate mondays

  2. Ohhhh I want Divergent and Where She Went!!! >_<!

  3. The Morganville Resident cards are so cool! ;D
    Also, I want to read What Happened To Goodbye so badly! So jealous!

  4. So cool that you got all those Morganville Vampire books! I have yet to start that series! So behind! Congrats!

    Happy Reading!

    My IMM goes up tomorrow, be sure to stop by!

    Old Follower
    Jessica@a GREAT read

  5. Awesome books! I REALLY want to read You Against Me, and I'm resisting the temptation to buy Divergent and Where She Went until AFTER testing season, haha. I've heard they are awesome-to-the-infinite-degree though. Enjoy! (And so nice of Nancy!) :)

  6. Great set of books you have there! I've been dying to read the Morganville Vampires Series and Where She Went.

  7. You got some awesome books! I love the Morganville series, they are amazing :) I got Where She Went too, but I haven't read it yet, can't wait though! :) Happy reading!

  8. Sqqueee!~ Morganville Vampire books! :D Awesome. Enjoy!

  9. I loved Where She Went and Darkest Mercy. I have Divergent up next in my TBR pile.

  10. WOW. A great pile of books! I love the Morganville series :)
    Check out what's In My Mailbox

    Mia @GrippedintoBooks

  11. Great IMM! So Jealous! :( Haha. :) Here's my IMM for this week:

  12. Awesome IMM! I still need to read the Morganville vampire series, but I'm on a vampire break at the moment, LOL! Enjoy all you lovely books and have a great week!

  13. In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, it's where we all show the bookish contents of our mailbox! This week would be my week of EPICNESS, best books ever Extra Bookie
