
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Breakfast with the Bookie - Bloggers : Where Are Your Manners? Revisiting Blogging Etiquette

Breakfast with the Bookie is a weekly feature hosted here at Badass Bookie. Every Wednesday morning (or afternoon depending on where you are) I post a discussion post for everyone to read along with morning up of coffee ;)

Today's Topic - Where Are Your Manners? Revisiting Blogging Etiquette.

I've actually already done a post about blogging etiquette but I think it's something we all need to revisit, you can read my first post - HERE. The blogging community is fairly friendly, we're all people who have come together to share a common interest - books, whether we are authors, publishers, agents or book bloggers.

We help each other when others are in need, giving advice, donating prizes, giving away books or just sharing the love of reading. Recently, I had my first blogoversary and being the poor, broke, unemployed teenager I am, I couldn't afford to giveaway lot, Lisa @ A Life Bound By Books kindly offered to donate a prize as well as CSN. This is the blogging spirit I'm talking about. We're happy to help each other out. We want to make others happy ( RAK is a wonderful feature where bloggers are happy just to give books radomly to make people happy).

Unfortunately among all that kindness I have noticed some nasty stuff going along as well. Mostly on Twitter and not towards me ( although I have frowned upon some rude comments made by a blogger about my blog) but still it saddens me to see this. Nasty names being called, rude comments, opinions that should be kept to oneself being stated. It's all pretty saddening. I'm a pretty laidback person, I'm an Aussie but even I know the difference between a joke and being rude.

I realise that different people have diffeent opinions about different things but really where are your manners? It's not up to you to decided how someone else should blog, when they post their giveaways, how they write their reviews. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. Calling someone a Bitch, Dyke, Loser etc. etc. isn't going to make your blog better or make you happier. Also it's not only bloggers who do this but authors too which really is a disappointment :/

Bottom line, remember your manners! If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it.Be polite, just because you don't meet someone in person doesn't mean you can be rude! You never know when you might need someone's help! Today's discussion - Your thoughts on Blogging Etiquette? When is it taken too far?

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Luckily I've only experienced the kindness (I've only been around for going on 4 months). But I'm definitely afraid of the bad. I am constantly worried about offending someone. Thanks for the great post.

  2. It's weird that people think it's okay to act like that. You're making me glad I'm not on twitter. And I haven't had anyone make rude comments on my blog posts yet.

  3. That's terrible. I'm with Natalie, I'm glad I'm not on Twitter if this is what's going on. I haven't had anyone be rude on either of my blogs (thankfully) and I hope it's not something I have to deal with.

  4. I'm another relatively new blogger, I have just been about for just over a month now and all I have found is great support and advice. But I have seen a few nasty comments left here and there on other blogs.

    Great post! :)


  5. I'm always in awe about how nice the blogging community is, and I don't think I've ever seen any rude remarks (no Twitter) except for the big event that was the author rant not too long ago.

    I agree with what you said that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! I guess I always keep in mind what I'm writing and how it could be interpreted. Why anyone would see the need to be rude in the first place is beyond me...

  6. It can feature anything from cover reveals to book-into-movies news to new books on the block!
    Extra Bookie
