
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Debut of the Month - All About Ruta Sepetys

Debutante Profile

Name - Ruta Sepetys                                                                              
Debut - Between Shades of Grey
Genre - Historical                                                                          
Website - Ruta Sepetys : Between Shades of Grey                     
Facebook - HERE
Ruta Sepetys was raised in a family of artists, readers, and music lovers. She wrote creepy stories as a child and told anyone who would listen that she was going to marry Roald Dahl. In addition to music and writing, Ruta enjoys teaching at the university, collecting eccentric art, and traveling with her dreamy husband. Ruta’s work has taken her to 41 countries on six continents. Her adventures have inspired dozens of stories and since she has intimate knowledge of heartbreak and teen angst, she decided to write books for young adults. Ruta’s degrees have nothing to do with literature, but do involve failed attempts at becoming an opera singer, an investment banker, and Roald Dahl’s wife.

Dream Debutante Dress - In which Ruta took the time to photoshop....

HOW cute is that???
What the Deb has to say about herself :

Badass Bits About Ruta:

• I have a problem pronouncing my own name, which makes introductions a bit difficult.

• As a child, each Christmas I begged for a badass Big Wheel like this one so I could race cars on the street and tie myself to their bumpers. Santa never came through. Badass bummer.

Oh, the big wheelie....

• My sister and brother both have psychic ability. I do not.

• In high school I was voted ‘Best Dancer.’ I was pretty excited until my friend informed me that the translation was, ‘most likely to be a stripper.’

• When I was in Lithuania on a research trip for my book I prank-called everyone in our group at 3 a.m. They still talk about the phantom caller at the hotel. They still don’t know it was me. Bad, bad debutante.

• I am a trained and seasoned wedding crasher. Check your wedding video. I might be in it.

• I used to have Camaro hair. It was so big it wouldn’t even fit in my passport picture. One Christmas Eve I accidentally set my hair on fire and well…that was the end of the Camaro hair.

• I am currently working on my next book and the research required interviewing prostitutes in New Orleans. See! Historical fiction is not boring!


Well, that was certainly exciting! I have got to say I'm still laughing about the hair on fire thing :) BTW, I had to google Camaro Hair. Also, what kind of historical fiction involves prostitutes??? All these pictures of New York in 1800s is coming up in my head, I think the girl on the cover of The Luxe just popped up too, oh and there goes Ian Somerhalder.... Anyway! Guys, please, please check out Between Shades of Grey which is on sale...March 22nd? I've heard great things about it and my copy is sitting beside me right now so if you want read my review that's coming up! This novel makes you want to cry, so be prepared for some heart moving story....

Badass Bookie xx


  1. This was fantastic! HAHA! I really enjoyed it!

    I also had to google camaro hair ;) Can't wait to read this one!

  2. Awesome sauce! My copy of Between Shades of Gray is right next to me. It's going to be tough getting through this book. Can't wait for your review!

  3. This was pretty damn awesome! lol I really liked it =]

  4. Ruta sounds like a really fun girl! I'd love to be able to travel around... and that debutante dress - very nice! :)

  5. I've been wanting to read this novel ever since I first saw it months ago. I can't believe it's not out yet! GAH! Love the dress :)

  6. I adored reading this post. Marry Roald Dahl? Lol, who wouldn't? ;)

  7. This was a lot of fun! "Most likely to be a stripper" is really funny! I love that photoshopped picture, that dress is amazing!

    I have heard amazing things about this book, so excited to read it!

  8. Your next book sounds like a blast!:)

  9. That's a cute dress! I will never be able to pull that dress off. :(

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Lovin' the photoshop photo! Very stylish! Can't wait to read the book!

  12. hahahaha great post!! and the badass Big Wheel hilarious!

  13. This was a lot of fun! A trained wedding crasher? hahah

  14. Aww..I love the Dream debutante dress! So cute! What an amazing post! It made me smile and laugh!

  15. Fabulous post! I highly enjoyed all the fun facts about her.

  16. One of my sisters sent me the Amazon video link, which already made me cry; I'm going to have a box of kleenex nearby when I get around to reading the book. I've often wondered when someone would write that part of history, because I grew up in a Lithuanian family trying to understand my parents history and in the 50s & 60s could hardly expect my peers to understand it. Valio Ruta

  17. Ruta, my brother also has psychical ability (Superjerkism) and I don´t have :D. Don´t be sad :DDD.

  18. Hahaha this post was hilarious! It's so fun that Ruta has trouble pronouncing her own name!

  19. Funny post! Really made me laugh lol. And I think I'll need lots of kleenex to read the book!!

  20. This sounds awesome! And Ruta sounds like a character. lol.

  21. This is a lovely post. Thanks.

  22. What would you do if you did have a psychic ability? :)

  23. HAHA i love her! I wish we could switch lives! hers just sounds that awesome!! <3

  24. Such a funny post !! Love it !! I'm still laughing about the hair on fire thing !Lol
    Her book sounds amazing !

  25. Love the badass bits :-) this is a great way to get to know an author even better than through the same ol' Q&A you so often find.

  26. this is a great post giving us facts about her and it's really fun;))

  27. Haha. Now that's a good laugh. I wonder what her siblings' psychic ability is and how she got reputation of best dancer...hmmm. I hope none of the people in her group have read this post or she's in trouble. Yay! A new book, are the prostitutes retired or is she doing it illegally? Sounds like fun!

  28. This sounds great.

  29. I have never read anyone who was so into Roald Dahl till knit a dream to be his wife.

    I wonder, which book of Roald Dahl become Ruta's favorite book?

  30. That was a pretty dang awesome! Love the Prank Call bit!

  31. This was the funniest blogpost I have ever read :D

  32. Historical fiction RULES!

    Oh my... that debutante dress...can I have one in blue please? *pretty please* xD

  33. Hahah she is hilarious! Those facts about her are so unique - I was laughing at the part about her Camaro hair.

  34. Haha! This is so funny!! Google said that camaro hair is the ugliest hair ever. Hilarious debutante! :))

  35. I like the debutante dress,but only the dress and the fact that she can't pronounce her name.It's very funny.

  36. LOL, trained wedding crasher, 'most likely to be a stripper.’, very funny!! :)
