
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day Five - All About... Carrie Harris ( Bad Taste in Boys)

Welcome our next debutante, Carrie Harris! Oh and the spread the word giveaway ends tonight so if you haven't entered go enter! ( It's linked on the 2011 Debutante Page). Anyway lets get started...

Debutante Profile

Name - Carrie Harris
Debut - Bad Taste in Boys
Genre -  Paranormal
Website - Click HERE
Blog - Click HERE
Twitter - Click HERE
***Please note that the bio was really long so I shortened it, it's still pretty long though, BUT it's really funny***
I was born in Chicago, but we moved to Ohio so fast that I suspect my Illinois residence doesn’t really count. It’s kind of like those people who say, “Yeah, I’ve been to NYC,” but what they really mean is they drove from one airport to the other and spent most of their time in the shuttle placing bets on which cab would get into an accident first. Not that I’ve done that. In high school, I marched in the drum line and worked backstage in the theater. Both activities were really just excuses to meet hot geek boys. I followed my boyfriend to college, which was pretty stupid considering that I broke up with him the second week of school. That left me free to date another long string of hot geek boys and play a lot of euchre. In between dating and cards, I got a degree in English Literature but graduated with no plans whatsoever, so back to school I went. I ended up in a graduate program in Educational Statistics with no idea how the bleep that happened. Now I live in Michigan with my husband, who is a ninja doctor (fer real), and three zombie obsessed children. The other moms at the bus stop think I’m very weird. I think this is a compliment.

Dream Debutante Dress -

Carrie's dream dress

Author's Own Message ( ie when they talk about themselves :P)

Ten Randomly Associated Things about Carrie Harris

I’m really proud to be one of Badass Bookie’s 2011 Debutantes! I’ve been looking for an opportunity to wear this carousel dress for AGES. And really, girls like me aren’t often picked for debutante events. I’m more the kind of girl that you’ll find at a convention herding people who are pretending to be vampires.

I’m also the kind of girl who likes random lists. So here are ten randomly associated things about me:

1. I was never a real debutante. The only white gloves I’ve ever worn matched my Princess Leia costume.

2. We used to play Star Wars a lot when I was a kid. I used to get sick of languishing around the Death Star while Luke and Han argued over which one got the bigger light saber. So I learned how to rescue my damn self.

3. I kept rescuing myself until I met the man who is now my husband. He saved me from a swarm of killer bees. And then he bought me a Sno Cone. He even remembered my favorite flavor: blue raspberry.

4. I am a strong woman. I am not afraid of bugs. However, in the middle of a swarm of killer bees, I turn into a complete idiot who runs along the edge of a gorge yelling, “BEES! BEES! BEES!” I do not recommend ever doing this. Please learn from my mistakes.

5. Speaking of leaning from my mistakes, if you ever see a guy at a party who is drinking red tinted corn syrup, he is not a vampire. He is DEFINITELY not someone you want to date. And red corn syrup is very sticky and will turn your entire face pink if you spill it.

6. There is a reason I wrote a book called BAD TASTE IN BOYS. Frankly, I’m surprised someone didn’t tattoo the phrase on my forehead when I was in high school. Or college. Or slightly after college.

7. I had ten different majors in college. At some point, I wanted to be a doctor, a lawyer, a dancer, a film critic, a psychologist, an English teacher, an astronomer, a veterinarian, a detective, and a sociologist.

8. I never dreamed that I’d be able to write for a living, so I became a statistician and lab manager instead.

9. I used to work at a lab where they delivered brains daily via FedEx. At least once a week, I’d have to go down the hallway to locate my missing brains. I have heard every possible joke you can make about that.

10. As a total science geek, I’ll take brains over BRAAAAINS any day of the week. Geeks FTW!


I don't know about you but I'm still laughing from Carrie's post!!! Mrs, Harris, you're the funniest author I have met yet! and the best part is I think you have converted me from Angel lover to a Zombie lover.....UNITE!

Badass Bookie xx


  1. I'm still chuckling!
    What a great way to start a Sunday.
    Thank you for the fun post Carrie!
    All the best,

  2. I like random lists too. I love the dress. You'll really stand out, but in a good way. ;)

    I was outside earlier tonight, and there was this massive spider web (as well as a spider in the middle). I shrieked and backed up. Luckily none of it ended up in my hair! I don't scream or run away from them. I'm just less dramatic than other girls.

  3. Amazing list! I think most people, if attacked by a swarm of killer bees would run up and down yelling BEES BEES BEES. I'm not sure it's possible not to do that. Your dress is awesome.

  4. Oh my god, I love her!! She's so funny! I'm still crying with laughter

  5. I agree with everyone. Carrie is a riot!! I literally turn green with envy when I read one of her posts. Anywhere. And I can't wait for her book, and not JUST so I can lick the cover.

    But partly so I can lick the cover.

  6. If Carrie's book if even half as funny as she is I'm going to love it. I have already added the title to my TBR list. Now, I can't wait!!!


    But seriously? Thanks so much for including me in this awesome group of debs. I'm HONORED.

  8. Carrie is one of the funniest people I know (if not THE funniest)! I've had the pleasure of reading her book, and it's just as funny as she is & a total blast to read!

    <3 the wacky deb dress!

  9. You are freaking hilarious. That is all. Oh, and we can't wait to read your book!

  10. To be honest, I have never read a zombie book. Except for the pride and prejudice and zombies one.
    As everyone above me has said carrie is pretty funny :>
    Also I love the brain over braiiins comment!

  11. lol I enjoyed this post! Very funny! :) And that is such a cool dress. I'd never wear it, lol, but it's so cool!

  12. Educational Statistics??? I never knew tortures such as that existed. And here I am complaining about a plain old MSEd. Nevermore!

    And, I am a zombie-obsessed teacher. Students look at me weird, until they realize that they get to read zombie books for free reading. That's when the joy sets in!

  13. Girls need to know how to rescue themselves. Kick their asses in that carousel dress!;)

  14. Zombies FTW.
    Love this post. It was funny.

  15. Carrie, you are hilarious! Loved the list. And Princess Leia was a pretty awesome heroine if you ask me. :D

  16. This is awesome! I'm so excited to read Carrie's book.

  17. I've been dying to read this book since it had a different name, lol!

    Great contest, and thanks for a fun interview!

  18. Great post! I've been wanting to read this for a while!!!


  19. Brains?!?!!

    I think everyone wants to be a vet at some point xD

    Love your dress >D

  20. Hysterical post - very interesting that you worked in a lab that received brains. I think you may have gotten mine at one point. ;)
    I look forward to your book since you have such a great sense of humor (or at least the kind of humor I appreciate). Good luck (and you need it with 3 kids - I have a hard enough time with 2!)

  21. Awesome!! What a great post. I've heard good things about the book. It's great to hear from the authors!

  22. This was a great interview. I love your dream dress.

  23. Love the bio...and its nice to see someone who actually knows what euchre is. Oh, and I had to show my boyfriend that dress, never seen it

  24. LOL - love these bits (zombies) and bytes (geekiness) about carrie

  25. This is too funny. Best post I've read all day.

  26. LOVE the dress! But it looks really uncomfortable...

  27. I'm actually really excited about the take that Carrie is doing with her zombies. Combining the medical side of things with the supernatural!

    Can't wait to read the book!

  28. LOL had I not already been eagerly awaiting to read Bad Taste in Boys, Carrie's post would have 100% SOLD me on reading more of her awesome writing. As it is, I want to read the book even more now that we've peeked inside her crazy brain!

  29. From your 10 facts, I can tell that Bad Taste in Boys will be hilarious. I can't believe your husband saved you from killer bees! That is so crazy!

  30. The post above is the funniest post ever in this blog. XD

    Good luck with your BAD TASTE IN BOYS, Carrie

  31. That dress is awesome :D It's perfect for Katy Perry and it reminds me of Lady Gaga's crazy outfits. Katy Perry can pull those of with a little more style though ;P


  33. Hilarious post! Working at a lab and looking for missing brains, too funny. I can't wait to read Bad Taste in Boys, I love the author's voice already from her ten facts about her!

  34. I loved Carrie's interview and now I can't wait to read her book!

  35. You sound like a thoroughly awesome person! Thanks for this post.

  36. Really kooky dress choice. :D

  37. Bees are creepy--especially huge, freaking bees that stalk you--and screaming or anything of the like is completely justified.

  38. can't wait to read Bad Taste in Boys
    title is so interesting just like the dress she picked out :)

  39. Oh right, your job with brains. and I laughed out loud at point number 5 ahahaha.

  40. Lol, Carrie you're awesome and funny :) Can't wait to read your book :)

  41. LOL that dress is very interesting to say the least. I can certainly relate with bad taste in boys , men didn't change once I grew older , hence the reason why I love read about romance and HEA's lol now .
