
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Claire de Lune

Review Time! I had the worst possible day today! I wasn't feeling well, then I get pushed down the stairs, got kicked in the ankle, had a breakdown in english class and now I think I sprained my ankle ( it's really swollen) ...great. So I apologize for not having a more interesting post but seriously I'm having a down moment.

The Short Story ? - 2010 Debut, about a girl who find out she is a werewolf on her sixteenth birthday. The sixteenth birthday idea is pretty cliche, but the story wouldn't feel right if it wasn't so cliche would it? Enjoyed the book and loved the name of the book, although I don't get what it has to do with the book ( no reference to Claire de Lune or even a piano????)

The Long Story ? - This debut was one that I had on my TBR pile and I have to say I was a tad disappointed. The whole plot just seemed too simple and didn't live up to my expectations. It was just not that special you know? I enjoyed reading and liked the plot and the characters but it was a little bit cliche? I don't what it is but something about the book just doesn't sit right with me. I think it has something to do with the whole werewolf concept ( read the book) that the author has bought in. I'm not really comfortable with it. Nevertheless, it was a nice change from vampires, the cover was beautiful, I loved how she portrayed Matt ( that is like the third Matt I have read recently) and like I said the plot wasn't all that bad either. It was a great book, truly, but I just didn't like the werewolf concept in this just kills it* Rating 3/5

*SPOILER - werewolves are only girls in this world ( doesn't just kill the whole Jacob thing?)

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Great review :)

    I read this a while back, and I actually quite enjoyed the take on werewolves, which is different for me, but I do appreciate your honesty!

  2. Great review! I kept thinking about this one, but recent reviews are making me change my mind. However, I just found out that I won a copy so I will likely give it a try anyway since it's a free read!

    But yeah, I'm hearing the same things about certain aspects just not being as interesting?

    Will wait and see.

  3. I'm with you on this being a disappointment. It seemed to me like it needed a new revision really bad. The cover is the only really great thing about it. And now I hear they're changing it to something more twilight-y. Le sigh.

    Lupines and Lunatics
