
Monday, October 11, 2010

The Summer I turned Pretty

Review Time! I so excited to review this one because I have been wanting to read this book for a long, long time and well I won't tell you what I think about it unless you scroll down a little! I was going to wait until summer to read this but I couldn't wait so oh well!

Which cover do you like better? I got the second cover but the first cover is nice too!

The Short Story? - I had high expectations for this one since I have have been looking forward toward and any book that has made me wait better be good or else... * cracks knuckles* nah jokes, it was good anyway. Bravo! Fantastic! Great! Very cute :P

The Long Story? - I haven't read Jenny Han's first book Shug but this one was reallllllly good. I love reading paranormal and fantasy novels but sometimes it's just a relief and a nice change to read something different ( like breathing in fresh air). So either it's because I needed a change of genre or it's really is a great book, I enjoyed it immensely ( I going with the latter). Anyway, great characters, Belly portrays an excellent image of a lovesick teenager. I loved the plot which was really cute, great use of romance and brought out emotions in readers too! The ending is so mysterious and abrupt that I want to read the second book already! The book started of really well, ended with a cliff hanger and very comfortable reading style. Enough said, fantastic read and I'm rating it - 4/5  ( even if it really good I can't go around giving 5/5 everytime right? those are reserved for godly writing)

Badass Bookie xx


  1. I loved this book too. I have the second book to read, but haven't picked it up yet because I don't wanting to be pinning for the 3rd book forever. If that makes sence, LOL. I really like the hardcovers, they seem much more contemporary and not so juvenile (that's a horrible word, but I am just thinking on my feet).

    Anyway, I am so happy that you liked it too. I love reading reviews by others about books I have all ready read. Fun to see what they thought verses what I thought.

    Erin :]

  2. Loved this book and Shug, which was also adorable. I'm glad there are sequels to this one, because the ending just left me hanging.

  3. Thanks for the review. The second cover is 100x better imo. Following and looking forward to more. :)
