
Friday, September 3, 2010

Blog Hop 3rd September

Hello there Everyone! Friday is THE day to engage yourself and hop around and check out other bookish blogs :P Lucky for us we have Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday! Thank-you to both Jennifer and Parajunkee for hosting these fantatsic memes! This week book blogger question is...

Do you judge a book by its cover?
The answer is is yes! Although everyone says don'tt judge a book by it's cover, I personally feel that a good book will have a decent cover because obviously the publisher has high hopes for it and have decided to put the effort into creating a good cover! ( I know right? I'm so judgemental :P) However, usually this works so you know go with the flow!

Book Blogger Hop

If you are hopping over PLEASE leave a comment and a link so I can hop around over!

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Hey :) Just hopped to say hi!
    I am a new follower, I see we like pretty much the same stuff!
    My blog is : Just Another Book Blog

  2. Have a blast hopping to/following new blogs or beginning great books!

    Here is my Book blogger hop/Follow me/Book Beginnings post! I am a very serious eclectic reader! And I follow blogs I like via google reader.

  3. Hey I'm just stopping over from the Hop! I love your blog BTW, I'm an old follower. Here's my blog hop/follow Friday post:

    Have a great weekend :)

  4. Hi, hopping over!

    I also judge books by their cover. All the time! :-)

    Have a good weekend!

    I'm here:

  5. Happy Friday! Thanks for stopping by Reading Angel! I'm your newest follower!

  6. Hopping by to say hi and have a fun filled weekend.

  7. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am a new follower.
    Have a great weekend

  8. Happy Friday!

    Just stopping by on the hop and follow Friday. I love to see all the different blog design and to make new friends. I'm now a follower.

    Have a great weekend!!

  9. Stopping by via the hop...I think it depends - there's a place and time when book covers come into play as to whether I will read the book.

    Happy Friday!
    Always With a Book

  10. Utterly a cover fiend! Ahhh well what can I do but buy buy buy ;) And then hide the books or my husband will wonder where the books came from... Ahem... the book fairy :)

    Have a great weekend Badass :)
    PK Reeves Out

  11. :) I always wonder that if publishers know that readers often judge the book by its cover, why are there ugly covers?
    Thanks for coming by and I hope you have a great weekend !!

  12. Hi there! I'm a new follower from the Blog Hop :)

    I'm definitely a wee bit of a cover slut (ahem...pardon)...I can't help it! Feel free to drop by my blog anytime!

  13. Just hopping by - I look too.


  14. Hi! I'm hopping by from the hop and from your stop on my site! :-) Thanks for visiting and I really like what I've read of yours so far! Can't wait to read more.

  15. Hi, thank you for stopping by at my blog! ;P
    Great blog! I think a lot of readers judge a book by it's cover, I mean it's the first thing we see at a store. ;)

  16. Thanks for hopping by! Have a great weekend!

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your site! Have a great weekend!

  18. Hopping by to say hi! I feel the same way about covers.

  19. Just visiting from the hop. I'm already a follower. It's good to be judgmental about things, and I certainly admire book covers, but like everything I don't put value on what I see to be the same as what's inside. Know what I mean?

    Have a great weekend!

  20. Hi, thanks for hopping by my blog! I follow yours on Google Reader =) (Or subscribe, whatever)

  21. Already following you, but dropping by to say HI! Happy weekend! :)

  22. Thanks for stopping by! We will be part of the Scott Nicholson Kindle Tour. We can't wait for that. Have a nice long weekend!

    Stephanie G
    Paranormal Haven

  23. Thanks for hopping by! :) Have a great weekend!

  24. I'm an old follower.. just hopping by to say hello and thanks for visiting! Hope you have a great weekend!

  25. Thanks for hopping by my blog. The Eternal Ones sounds awesome...another to add to the to read pile.


  26. Hopping over to say have a great weekend!


  27. Hopping through. Have a great weekend! I am a recent follower.

  28. Thank you for hopping over!
    I never thought about it that way, but it makes sense. Publishers would make nice covers for the books they have high hopes for!
    Have a wonderful day!

  29. Thanks for the follow...I am finally finding you! Love the design of your blog, not what I was expecting :) Looking forward to reading more!
