
Monday, August 23, 2010


Review Time! So Karin and I hosted a Supernatural showdown not too long ago and I am still behind on reviews so this is another one of those reviews that I never got around too. Wanted is the 8th book in the Pretty Little Liars series and I'm pretty sure it's the last one too! I absolutely love this series so I'm pretty devastated that, this was the last book but apparently she is writing another mystery/ suspense series so I all good.

Now, these books are actually really confusing to read because there is so much going on and so it's really hard to keep up with! Anyway, this book was probably one of my favourites, partly because all the secrets are revealed ( I was so shocked with the truth). Also because everyone kinda gets a happy ending! One thing I like about this book is that it's not too long and there isn't really a boring moment in it! Everything is very fast-paced. Great characters (that I will miss), fantastic plot, a very comfortable writing style, loved the ending and one of the better series I have read. If you haven't read it yet, make sure you pick up a copy because it really is fantastic!

Badass Bookie xx


  1. I loved this one too. In fact my review is coming soon I am awaiting the author's response to my interview questions I sent her.

  2. I love this series so much!

    Also, I gave you the Lovely Blog Award over at my blog :)

  3. I've got the first four books in the series to read and I can't wait to get stuck in, it looks like a fab series!

  4. Catching up with all of the blogs I haven't managed to visit in a while. Thanks for recommending this book.

  5. I really want to read this series. I'm enjoying the show and I'm sure the books are way better.
