
Sunday, August 29, 2010

In My Mailbox #13

Hello my lovely poppets! It's Sunday and it's In My Mailbox time! I had another awesome week this week! I think my good lucks running out though...Anyway on the bright side this is what I got this week...

For Review-

The Three Lovers of Persimmon by Cassandra Gold - I haven't heard anything about this one until it turned up on my doorstep on Monday, I have read the blurb and it sound pretty good so should be good!
Saltwater Vampire by Kirsty Eagar - From the Australian author of Raw Blue this is a vampire thriller and well I like vampires, never read a thriller - well to my knowledge anyway but I didn't know I was reading chick lit until someone told me so yer)
The Eternal Ones by Kristen Miller - ZOMG!!!!! I have been wanting to read this book since..since like forever! Now I have my own copy to read, I was too happy to do anything for like half an hour that day :P
I am Number Four by Pittcus Lore - Aliens are the new Vampires! This book looks ( and sounds fantastic) actually I don't even know whether it's about aliens or not but apparently according to some review I read about it!

Thank-you to Penguin Australia for this weeks book (again) I will work very hard to review as many as I can!

Now guys, I have a dilemma... I don't know what to read next! So I have four top choices and I'm going to ask you to decided because I would probably start all of them and take forever to read them all so my choices are -

1) The Eternal Ones by Kristen Miller
2) Siren by Tricia Rayburns
3) The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg
4) I am Number Four by Pitticus Lore

Leave a number with your comments so that I can tally up the votes! What did you get this week?
Badass Bookie xx


  1. Great books! I am looking forward to The Enternal Ones!

  2. i am number four is awesome - i got it this week and read it in a day!

  3. Some fab books there. I'm looking forward to your reviews of I Am Number Four and The Eternal Ones, I love the sound of both!

  4. three loves of persimmon looks interesting!! enjoy!!

  5. These all look really great! I'm curious about the Saltwater Vampire book...wonder if it will get a US release?? I've heard great things about Eternal Ones! Enjoy these!

  6. The Eternal Ones is on my TBR list.

  7. It seems like a lot of people have read or are reading I am Number Four! So jealous. I want to read that one too. It looks so pretty and sounds pretty good too. Enjoy the books you got.

    What to read next?
    I am Number Four!!!

  8. I <3 I am Number Four, and I got The Eternal Ones this week too - great books to enjoy!

  9. The Eternal Ones looks really good! I hope you enjoy your books :)

  10. The Eternal Ones is on my wishlist. Saltwater Vampires looks interesting. Enjoy your books. Here's what I received.
