
Friday, August 13, 2010

Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday

Hola my peps! I haven't done one of these hoppings in while but I'm back this week! Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday is hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy for Books and Parajunkee @ Parajunkee's View! Every week book blogger has a twist or a question shall I say and this week the question is -

How many books do you have on your 'to be read shelf’?
Well, let just say I have more books on my bookshelf that I haven't read then I have read! One the top of my head I am guessing about 30 books? maybe a bit more but it's definitely enough for me and I'm STILL buying books!

Book Blogger Hop

Now if you are visiting PLEASE leave a comment so I can revisit your blog! Oh and I have TWO contests going on here at my blog that are ending TOMORROW!

1) Win a two pack of books + swag click HERE ( International)
2) Win Generation Dead & Coffeehouse Angel click HERE ( US only)

You may have already noticed but I have teamed up with Karin from Karin's Book Nook to host a Supernatural Showdown, head to archives to check out guest posts, reviews, interview and more!
Badass Bookie xx


  1. Hi, blog hopping through : ) ! Happy Friday!
    And don’t forget to check out my site to see my weekly featured movie clip, special announcement, and my answer to this week’s Blog Hop’s question.

  2. It's hard to stop buying books even though I have so many to read as well. Happy reading!

  3. Just hopping by! I'm already a follower of your blog.

    And the TBR pile just keeps on growing! weeee!


    Musings of a Reader Happy

  4. I just stopped by for the hop. We can never have enough books ;) Have a great weekend!

    Here is my hop:
    A Book Obsession..

  5. New to the Hop, and your blog title definitely caught my eye! I'll be stopping by again. I'll also mention your contests on my blog.

  6. Happy Friday! I'm just stopping by to say hi!

  7. Hi, stopping by on Follow Friday! Great blog, following you now!
    Magic Faerie's Paranormal Review

  8. Hi! Im stopping by on the hop! Nice place you have here! I love the colors!! Im a new follower! Have an amazing weekend! : )

  9. Happy Friday!!!--Stopping by from the hop!--Already a follower!!! :)

    Great review!!!--I hadn't heard of Strange Angels, but it looks GOOD!!! :)

    my tbr number is a little high right now, too--but to be fair, I'm also including all the classics and such that I'd like to read "someday." The actual pile on my desk is much smaller ;)


  10. Happy Friday. Come see how many books I have on my TBR pile.

  11. Coming in from the Hop!!

    Really cool blog, and fun giveaways!

    - Shera (Book Whispers)

  12. Hopping through and recently began following your blog. Check out the state of my TBR pile at Debbie's World of Books
