
Monday, July 19, 2010

Read -a-Like : Werewolves

Hey Guys! I like these lists so much I decided to do another. They were started by Karin @ Summer Break Reading Challenge for Activity #8 but I like them so much I'm going to do another one. So this week I'm featuring wolfy reads -

1) Shiver & Linger by Maggie Stiefvatar
The first series that pops up in my mind when I think werewolf. I have read Shiver which is really sweet and can't wait to get my hands on Linger which should come out tomorrow! Beautifully written and easy to read, really good series for those who are new to werewolf fiction.

2) Moonlight, Full moon, Dark of the Moon & Shadow of the Moon by Rachel Hawthorne
I haven't actually read this series but I have been keepingan eye on it and have read mixed reviews about this one. I guess I can't say what I thought about it yet but werewolves and love what could go wrong?

3) Sister Red by Jackson Pearce
A 2010 debut I pretty sure, haven't read this one yet either so not my opinion, but I have heard it's a beautiful novel that has woven the fairytale with the modern world.

4) Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis
This one is on top of my TBR pile and I have already read some of it so technically I'm currently reading it. The plot sounds pretty awesome and all so check it out.

5) Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson
Another 2010 debut, haven't read it YET but it's been on my wishlist since like forever so it can't hurt to go check it out.

6) Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Currently reading this one, and so far so good got another 100 or so pages but it's got an interesting plot.

Well that's my werewolf read-a-like list notice how I didn't feature books with both vampires and werwolves? I don't count them as werewolf books they are mixed themes that's why.
Badass Bookie xx


  1. I'm hoping to get Shiver & Linger by Maggie Stiefvatar in the mail soon! I loved both Moonlight and Full moon! I haven't yet read Sisters Red but I hope I can soon! I didn't like Never Cry werewolf as much as I had hope to like it! I read Claire de Lune yesterday in about 1 1/2 hours! I loved it! Raised by Wolves sounds great!

  2. heya, i was looking over ur blog, you got some really great stuff here!!! I have a book blog as well, and I just blogged Linger... It was an awesome book :) head over and check it out !! Also come this winter I will be doing a contest or two and giving away signed copies of some books to my followers, so make sure you sign up to follow :) Thanks, Danielle Thomas

  3. Great list! I love werewolves (and werelions and werecoyotes, etc.) I just have to read that Hawthorne series. I have them but haven't had a chance to read them yet.
