
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Author's Weekend #3 ( Guest Post)

Hey Guys!!! I haven't done one of these in forever but I happened to get LM Preston on the blog this weekend! So incase you don't know author's weekend is a two day feature of an author so I would be guest post one day and interview the next! So let's get this show on the road!

LM. Preston was born and raised in Washington, DC. An avid reader, she loved to create poetry and short-stories as a young girl. With a thirst for knowledge she attended college at Bowie State University, and worked in the IT field as a Techie and Educator for over sixteen years. She started writing science fiction under the encouragement of her husband who was a Sci-Fi buff and her four kids. Her first published novel, Explorer X - Alpha was the beginning of her obsessive desire to write and create stories of young people who overcome unbelievable odds. She loves to write while on the porch watching her kids play or when she is traveling, which is another passion that encouraged her writing.

Guest Post

Trusting your gut is one of the best gifts of being a human. We all get that little ‘twinge’ when something just isn’t right. When that happens…LISTEN TO IT! Trust yourself or your ‘gut’ some call it. Trust it at all times, it will never steer you wrong.When I was young I lived in the inner-city of Washington , DC . The neighborhood I called home, had gangs, drugs, muggers, killers, lots of kids and family nearby. However, with all of these things present, I didn’t realize that my gut instincts were strengthening with each day I played outside, walked to school, to the bus, or traveled the city alone.I never understood why my grandmother, affectionately named NaNa, didn’t want me to leave my block to go to the store alone. Or why, I wasn’t allowed to cut through the alleys to get to my cousin’s house, and the numerous list of things I was told to watch out for.My main character in THE PACK is extremely intuned to her gut. Although, she can't see, her gut intuition lets her know when she is in danger. Here are some steps to take in trusting yourself in all things;

When you are in a situation with a friend or an adult, and you get that feeling that something isn’t quite right, then you are most likely correct. Learn yourself, and test this ability. If your friend tells you that you should sneak out to go to that great party that so-and-so is going to, then you feel this tickle in your tummy, and you hesitate. This is your gut talking to you. It’s telling you … hold on … don’t jump into this.Listen to it. Find out how your gut talks to you. Think of all those times you got into major trouble, and ponder over what you felt just before you did the deed that got you into that mess. That’s how you learn how your psyche talks to you.

Never, ever, feel like you don’t have the right to ask a question. Asking a question only gets you in trouble when it hasn’t been asked, or the person of whom you are asking the question doesn’t want to give you an answer. Don’t think I’m right on this? Test it, and think back to times when the person of whom you asked a question reacted negatively. In most cases, it is because they don’t want to give you an answer. Asking the question is never, ever wrong. You have the right - even if you are a kid. So use it when you are in those situations where your gut is telling you that something is just not adding up.

When something doesn’t make sense, or the story just sounds down right disjointed, and your gut is telling you that something is off. Then trust your gut, something is off. This is a saying my Nana used to tell me when I would give her a scenario of what a friend told me, or did to me.“Honey, if it don’t add up, it won’t add up. Something is definitely not right with that story.”
Do you know in each instance she said this, she was absolutely correct.

If you get that feeling something isn’t right take action. In THE PACK, Shamira and the missing kids on Mars, took action. You have the power to take action too!

There are several ways to take action. Here are some;
- Just tuck the knowledge away, and wait for the truth to reveal itself. Believe it or not this happens a lot in life. The truth has a way of coming out. Sometimes it happens quickly, and sometimes it takes a long, long time.
- Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in order to get the answers you want. You can ask anyone questions, and that may solve the mystery.
- Run away or stay away. If you are in a situation where an adult or a peer appears to be leading you in a direction that you feel is not safe. Run. There is no harm in running away from or staying away from someone.

Realize that you have control of your destiny. No matter what happens to you in your life, you can learn from it all and become a better person. Making the same mistakes will become harder the more you learn to trust your gut instincts, and yourself.
Thank- you for stopping over LM Preston! So guys, that's the guest post make sure you stop over tomorrow for the Interview !!!!! Guys, I did receive an ARC copy of THE PACK so see review HERE
Badass Bookie xx


  1. Hi, thanks so much for visiting my blog earlier!

    That was a wonderful guest post. Lots of great advice that is so, so true!

  2. This was a very interesting guest post. I'm definitely guilty of not trusting my gut, but I agree with a lot of points made here. Thanks for the advice! :)

    And thanks for stopping by my blog, Mindful Musings! Have a great weekend! :)
