
Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Hop to Book Blogger Wonderland !!!!!

Guten Tag! Meine Fellow Book Lovers !!!!! ( I need to work on my German) Anyway, hello hello I'm not sure what time is it where you live BUT it is eleven thirty AM here in sunny Australia! Anyway, like they all say no time like present which is why I have officially started my Book Blogger Hop which is hosted weekly? (i think so) by Jennifer from Crazy for Books ( Click on this link to join in the Hop to Blogger wonderland!) Well, I started last night but I only got to check out like three soooooooo LET THE HOP BEGIN !!!!!!

btw, please leave a comment if you have hopped over to my blog! It improves my self-esteem :P haha anyway Happy Hopping!!!!

Badass Bookie xx


  1. Just stopping by via the hop! I love meeting my fellow book bloggers so just thought I would say hello!

    And the plot thickens...

  2. thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your color scheme here. I'm a new follower.

  3. Hey! Thanks fo stopping by my blog! Hope you have a great day! Oh, and I'm a new follower.
