
Friday, June 25, 2010


Review Time! You know I actually pretty disappointed with how many books I have been able to read this week. Last Holidays I was able to read one book a day butthis holidaysit seems like start 10 books a day and finish one a week (not good). However, I did manage to finish Changeless by Gail Carriger today. Now last holidays I finished the first one Soulless and loved it so high hopes for this one. On a sidenote has anyone realised I have read alot of second in the series in the last two weeks? Anyway, I quite liked this one very much like the first but interesting plot. I love the victorian setting with the supernatural twist. It makes so much more memorable than just plain supernaturalism (is that a word?) So it started off a bit slowly like blah blah blah and than it got interesting so I guess that made it okay. There was this bomb *shock, gasp,scandal* at the end which leaves me DYING to read to the next book. However since I have this habit of reading the ending first than going back to read the whole book it wasn't so bombly (is this word too?). Anyway, I find Ivy, the best friend a great nuisance and can't stand her but that's the whole point so I will let it go. The sisters and the mum is annyoing too but they are portrayed that way and it's certainly a very entertaining read. The style of writing does take some time getting used to but that's because it's quite old fashioned. However, it's more bearable than Shakespere. The woman on the cover has a really unattractive fringe so no comment on the cover and besides that all that pretty good book so Rating- 4/5

Badass Bookie xx

1 comment:

  1. I loveee this series! The end of Changeless left me salivating for the 3rd book. I need to know what happens *grrr*

