
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day Twenty-Five: NIL + Giveaway!

Book Profile

Name - Nil (Goodreads)
Author - Lynne Matson
Genre - YA Science Fiction
Release Date - March 4th 2014

On the mysterious island of Nil, the rules are set. You have one year. Exactly 365 days--to escape, or you die.

Seventeen-year-old Charley doesn’t know the rules. She doesn’t even know where she is. The last thing she remembers is blacking out, and when she wakes up, she’s lying naked in an empty rock field.

Lost and alone, Charley finds no sign of other people until she meets Thad, the gorgeous leader of a clan of teenage refugees. Soon Charley learns that leaving the island is harder than she thought . . . and so is falling in love. With Thad’s time running out, Charley realizes that to save their future, Charley must first save him. And on an island rife with dangers, their greatest threat is time.

Available - The Book Depository | Fishpond | Amazon | Barnes and Noble 

The Insider's Scoop

1) The original title of NIL was DAYWATCH, because the kids are watching the days, but the more I wrote, the less that title fit. Plus, DAYWATCH sounds a lot like BAYWATCH, which is SO not what I was going for.;) 

2) NIL was born in Hawaii, on the big island. My husband had won a trip with his company, and it was our first real getaway from our four boys, EVER. After we landed, as we left the airport, we drove through miles of ancient lava fields. Broken red rock stretched endlessly on each side, gorgeous and desolate. There were no roads, no buildings, no people–just the sound of wind blowing over the barren rocks. The surrounding silence was powerful, like it had a presence all its own. I remember thinking how creepy it would be to wake up there, all alone, and I remember thinking how much it all looked like an alien planet (think DUNE). And I remember thinking how scary it would be as a teenager, to wake up by yourself, not having a clue where you were or how you how got there, and what if–because isn’t this every person’s worst nightmare?!–what if you woke up naked? NIL was born in that moment. 

3) NIL is told from a dual POV, and the timeline is continuous with one exception: the scene where Charley and Thad first meet. That one moment is seen through both character's eyes. 

4) Characters come from all over the globe, which I felt was important to the core of the story.

5) Not every character escapes….
*runs away before I spill ALL THE SEKRITS* :)


Lynne is giving away SIGNED Hardback Copy of NIL + Swag!

Rule of Entry -

- Ends 25th of January
- Must be 13 or older
- Optional Entries :
   * Leaving comment on either of Lynne's posts +2 each
   * Follow Me on Twitter +1
   * Follow Lynne on Twitter +1 (@LSMatson)
   * Like Lynne Matson Books on Facebook +1
   * Tweeting Giveaway +1
   * Follow Badass Bookie via GFC/Linky or RSS +2

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Badass Bookie xx

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day Twenty-Four: Lynne Matson (NIL)

Debutante Profile

Name - Lynne Matson
Debut - Nil
Publisher - Henry Holt
Genre - YA Science Fiction

Website - HERE
Facebook - HERE
Twitter - HERE

Lynne is a former attorney who thinks writing books is much more fun. Her debut novel, NIL, a YA thriller with a SF twist, will be published by Macmillan/Henry Holt on March 4, 2014. When she's not writing or reading, you'll find her hanging out with her husband and their 4 boys, probably at the beach. Cookies are her kryptonite, especially thin mints.

Dream Debutante Dress - 

"I'm SO excited about being a Debutante (thank you Lisa!) and getting to pick a killer formal dress…not that I wear fancy dresses much because, um, did I mention I'm mom to four boys?! And I live in Florida so I basically live in shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops. I picked this sleek white dress worn by Jennifer Lawrence (love her!) for three reasons: (1) it's sleek and simple, which is how I dress anyway, (2) did I mention I LOVE JLaw?! and (3) it's kind of NIL-ish. There's nothing fancy on NIL, but the kids there make clothes out of a white material, so if there were a formal dress on NIL this one would be it."

Notes from a YA Debutante

I LOVE lists. They make me feel more organized than I really am. LOL So here's ten possibly-interesting-and-totally-true facts about me!

10. I constantly have story ideas running through my head, and take notes on anything I happen to have handy--a grocery receipt, a crinkled school paper one of my boys dropped on the floor of my car, a magazine cover. I try to keep a notebook in my purse, but sometimes after taking it out to type up my notes, I forget to put it back.

9. I take a lot of voice memos on my phone while out for a run or walk. I never have to type those up for some reason; just the act of putting my words into a coherent sentence spoken out loud seems to make it gel in my head. Strange but true.:D

8. I think paddleboarding on the ocean at sunrise = one of the best way to start a day EVER.:D

7. My first job out of college was as a salesperson at The Gap. On my first day, I learned how to fold t-shirts using a clipboard. To this day, whenever I see a clipboard, I think of t-shirts. And I run the other away. (Kidding--about the running. But not about the clipboard.:D)

6. I think oysters are nasty. *shudders* I've tried them but can't get past the slime factor.

5. Coconuts are nearly impossible to crack open with a rock. I tried. *nearly ;D

4. I love music, especially alternate music, but I love all kinds of tunes! Music is a HUGE source of inspiration for me, and I couldn't have written NIL--or anything else--without music.

3. I hate stopping to get gas (I don't know why but I hate it) and so my car always runs dangerously low.

2. I totally believe in love at first sight--or at least, the super-powerful-insta-connection that leads to love in a CRAZY short amount of time. (See number 1, below.:D)

1. I met my husband my first year of college and fell hard and fast from word one. And right after we met, he told his roommate "I just met the girl I'm going to marry." And he was right. So the crazy connection can totally go both ways.:)

Bonus fact: I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO READ NIL!!!!!!! I can't wait for you to meet Charley and Thad . . . and Nil, the creepy place that doesn't exist--and yet, it does.:)


Bookie's Note: Lynne, your enthusiasm is contagious! I'm smiling like a crazy person after reading your list. I couldn't live without music, I'm forever with a pair of headphones stuck in my ears (I'm not even kidding, earphones in at least 16hrs a day) and I absolutely love alternative music! I hate oysters too, cooked and uncooked, I just can't handle them. Nasty things! I'm not much of a believer of love at first sight but your story is so cute, now I can't wait to see what happens during MY first year of college :D Guys, make sure to come back tomorrow to not only get the insider's scoop on NIL but also for a giveaway (AND TO SEE THE NEW COVER!)

Badass Bookie xx

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day Twenty-Three: THE MURDER COMPLEX + Giveaway!

Book Profile

Name - The Murder Complex (Goodreads)
Author - Lindsay Cummings
Genre - YA Futuristic Thriller
Release Date - June 10th 2014

An action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate. For fans of Moira Young’s Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.

The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?

Available - The Book Depository | Fishpond | Amazon | Barnes and Noble 

The Insider's Scoop

1) The Murder Complex was always the original title! I was so happy that it never changed.

2) Meadow Woodson is me…Zephyr James is my husband. (Except I don't murder people, and my husband doesn't do that MAJOR thing that Zephyr does to change his and Meadow's life.) We have all the same character traits, personality ticks, and looks.

3) Originally, The Murder Complex was only 50,000 words long! When it sold, I added about that much to it!

4) It took me 2 weeks to write the first draft of TMC….and then 2 years to edit it.

5) While I was writing TMC, I carried a knife around with me, so I would know how Meadow always felt carrying her weapon.

6) THE FEAR TRIALS is a Murder Complex prequel novella, from Meadow's point of view. It's coming out a month before book 1 :) So you guys will get a taste of the world ahead of time. That book is all about Meadow's training!

To find out what early readers are saying about THE MURDER COMPLEX, check out these sites!

Evie Seo- HERE
Rachel from Canada- HERE


Lindsay is giving away (2) TWO preorder of THE MURDER COMPLEX and THE FEAR TRIALS (the TMC prequel novella)!
Rule of Entry -

- Ends 23rd of January
- Must be 13 or older
- Optional Entries :
   * Leaving comment on either of Lindsay's posts +2 each
   * Follow Me on Twitter +1
   * Follow Lindsay on Twitter +1 (@lindsaycwrites)
   * Add THE MURDER COMPLEX on Goodreads +1
   * Tweeting Giveaway +1
   * Follow Badass Bookie via GFC/Linky or RSS +2

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Badass Bookie xx

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day Twenty-Two: Lindsay Cummings (THE MURDER COMPLEX)

Debutante Profile

Name - Lindsay Cummings
Debut - The Murder Complex
Publisher - HarperCollins/Greenwillow
Genre – YA Futuristic Thriller

Website– HERE
Blog - HERE
Twitter - HERE

Lindsay Cummings lives in Texas with her husband, 2 german shepherds, a wolf, and a draft horse named Dan the Man. She is the leader of the #booknerdigans army, and the author of THE MURDER COMPLEX series and THE BALANCE KEEPERS series, both coming from HarperCollins in 2014.

Dream Debutante Dress - 

Notes from a YA Debutante

10 Facts About Me-

1) I'm a major fangirl. Like….MAJOR. My poor husband thinks I need to be institutionalised.

2) I collect weapons and I think my apartment neighbours also think I need to be institutionalised.

3) I talk to my dogs all day, with different voices for each of them…and they think I need to be institutionalised, too.

4) I take naps every day. Long naps. Awesome naps.

5) One time, I fell down the stairs of my middle school, head over heels, with my backpack wide open, and papers scattered EVERYWHERE, and people laughed at me. Ugh.

6) My dream car is a Challenger OR the car from Supernatural.

7) I have naturally curly hair, which I HATE, but once I saw The Hunger Games, I realised that if Katniss can make curly hair cool….maybe I can, too.

8) One time I got attacked by a herd of reindeer. 

9) I sing my thoughts, because I think life is a musical.

10) I want just ONE more tattoo, but my husband says no more. Can we convince him, world?!


Bookie's Note: Lindsay, life IS a musical. You have no idea how many times a day I break into a dance number, I wish I could walk around with a group of chorus girls on every day ending in 'y'. Where's the harm in ONE more tattoo? I take long naps quite often as well, in fact, I just woke up from one :P It's so relaxing, especially on a Sunday afternoon. The first thing that comes to mind when you said you collected weapons was Kill Bill. That's such a badass thing to collect, I collect books and shoes and handbags and I'M SUCH A GIRLLLLLL :O. Guys, make sure to check back tomorrow for the second half of Lindsay's feature where she gives the INSIDER'S SCOOP on THE MURDER COMPLEX!

Badass Bookie xx

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day Twenty-One: SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY + Giveaway!

Book Profile

Name - Side Effects May Vary (Goodreads)
Author - Julie Murphy
Genre - Contemporary YA
Release Date - March 18th 2014

What if you’d been living your life as if you were dying—only to find out that you had your whole future ahead of you?

When sixteen-year-old Alice is diagnosed with leukemia, her prognosis is grim. To maximize the time she does have, she vows to spend her final months righting wrongs—however she sees fit. She convinces her friend Harvey, whom she knows has always had feelings for her, to help her with a crazy bucket list that’s as much about revenge (humiliating her ex-boyfriend and getting back at her arch nemesis) as it is about hope (doing something unexpectedly kind for a stranger and reliving some childhood memories). But just when Alice’s scores are settled, she goes into remission.

Now Alice is forced to face the consequences of all that she’s said and done, as well as her true feelings for Harvey. But has she done irreparable damage to the people around her, and to the one person who matters most?

Available - The Book Depository | Fishpond | Amazon | Barnes and Noble 

The Insider's Scoop

1. Side Effects May Vary was inspired by a conversation about the zombie apocalypse and what people would do if their lives were about to end.

2. We did so much in revisions, but the most insane revision I like to tell people about is that what is now the ending was once the climax. 

3. I obviously love Alice & Harvey, but my favorite characters to write were actually their parents. Especially Harvey’s mother, Natalie. I have whole backstories that I’ve written on all of them.

4. Some people write to music, but I usually write to films. I find one or two for every book and have them playing on repeat almost all the time. The movie I wrote Side Effects May Vary to was Blue Valentine.

5. When I wrote Side Effects May Vary, I was working at a library where I spent the bulk of my time at the reference desk. While waiting for patrons to approach me with their questions, I wrote entire scenes on post-it notes.


Julie is giving away a SIGNED ARC of SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY!

Rule of Entry -

- Ends 21st of January
- Must be 13 or older
- Optional Entries :
   * Leaving comment on either of Julie's posts +2 each
   * Follow Me on Twitter +1
   * Follow Julie on Twitter +1 (@andimJULIE)
   * Add SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY on Goodreads +1
   * Tweeting Giveaway +1
   * Follow Badass Bookie via GFC/Linky or RSS +2

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Badass Bookie xx

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day Twenty: Julie Murphy (SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY)

Debutante Profile

Name - Julie Murphy
Debut – Side Effects May Vary
Publisher - HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray
Genre – Contemporary YA

Website– HERE
Blog - HERE
Twitter - HERE

Bio: Julie Murphy lives in North Texas with her husband who loves her, her dog who adores her, and her cat who tolerates her. When she's not writing or trying to catch stray cats, she works at an academic library. Her debut contemporary young adult novel, Side Effects May Vary, is out from Balzer + Bray/HarperCollins on March 18, 2014. Julie’s follow-up novel, currently titled Dumplin’, is due out in 2015.

Dream Debutante Dress - 

"So I chose my debutante dress because it reminded me of the type of thing someone might have worn to prom in the 60s. Think The Virgin Suicides!"

Notes from a YA Debutante

I’m super excited to be one of Badass Bookie’s 2014 Debutantes! (Also, best blog name ever!) - Thank-you! :D

I make lists for all kinds of things. Like, if I’ve had a super busy day, I’ll sit down at the end of the day and make a list of everything I’ve done. Then I’ll go through and cross everything out just so I can feel that sense of accomplishment. Spoiler: I’m completely neurotic. Anyway, here’s a haphazardly strung together list of ten random facts about me.

1. I’ve never seen a single Star Wars movie and am constantly told how criminal this is. For a while there, I really meant to, but now I’m kind of holding out because it’s sort of the ultimate Never Have I Ever.

2. My husband is Scottish. The first time we went over to visit his family, we spent a few days in London first. I had never been to London and was taking pictures like a mad woman. Two days into our three-day stay, I decided to look through some of our photos AND ACCIDENTALLY DELETED EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I am now OBSESSED with the preservation of memories. MOAR PICTURES.

3. Speaking of my husband, we met in a creative writing class.

4. I own enough nail polish to paint a house with.

5. I am obsessed--I’m talking OBSESSED--with Halloween. This year I was Effie Trinket, but my all time favorite would have to be my Ursula costume. (I should also add that my BFF is a makeup artist, and she makes my Halloween dreams come true.)

6. I have a huge Where the Wild Things Are tattoo on my arm, which was my reward to myself for selling Side Effects May Vary.

7. For whatever reason, when I was a kid, I thought the letters J and B were interchangeable. There are a whole slew of school papers from my early childhood with the name BULIE scrawled across the top.

8. I am a total nut for horror movies. The weirder, the better. Although, I’ve got a sweet spot for classics like Rosemary’s Baby.

9. I only buy CDs. I sort of hate technology and have never taken the time to figure out how to work iTunes.

10. I saw the first Twilight movie in theatres seventeen times. I refuse to be embarrassed.


Bookie's Note: Julie, the fact that you saw the first Twilight movie 17 times in theatre, completely just made my night. Honestly that's some hardcore devotion #respect and CLAIM IT! I haven't bought a CD in at least 10 years, man I don't even remember what to do with one... I wish we celebrated Halloween super hardcore in Australia but it's not as big here! :( And you're not alone, I have never seen a complete Star Wars movie, just bits and pieces of them throughout the year! :D Guys, make sure to come check out the INSIDER'S SCOOP on SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY tomorrow + Julie's giveaway!

Badass Bookie xx